For college students, Thanksgiving break is the break before all hell breaks loose. Before then, we are drowning in our work. After, we are preparing for finals. That is why Thanksgiving Break is one of the best weeks of the year and there is a whole process we all go through that week.
1. Finding out you get to go home
It's an automatic assumption that you're going home for Thanksgiving, but it is still really exciting.
2. Packing to go home
Everything you see is worthy of packing.
3. Jam session on your way home
The car or airplane ride home is always a party, whether it's with family, friends, or alone.
4. Seeing your family
Everyone is finally all together again after months of separation.
5. Bonding with/annoying your dog
Life without them isn't the same. That is why you never leave each other's side.
6. Preparing the meal
Preparing the Thanksgiving day meal is always full of tasks and people running around, but it's always one of the best parts.
7. Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
It's tradition. How can you not like looking at giant floats making their way through the city?
8. Turkey Bowl
Families always need some healthy competition.
9. Stuffing your face
It's the only time that it is socially acceptable to eat as much as you can.
10. Awkward family conversations at the dinner table
Family time always leads to the telling of crazy awkward family stories,and they usually lead to family drama. That's OK though because it's usually hilarious.
11. Late night family activities
It doesn't matter whether it's strolling downtown, midnight bowling, or slumber parties. There is always something to be done at night. What's the fun in just sitting there?
12. Passing out
You're always exhausted especially after all that food so it's always nice to just lay in bed.
13. Counting down the days until the next break