Formal Recruitment has finally come to a close. Potential New Members are now new members, ready to start a new chapter in their life, with incredible new adventures with brand new people.
To get there however, they needed to participate in Rush. To get these new members on their lawn, current sorority members had to rush them. Thousands of woman spent two weeks of their lives either closed up in a sorority house, or sitting outside of one in a tent.
In simplest terms, Formal Recruitment is a long and exhausting process. These are 13 Rush memes everyone can relate to.
1. Mentally preparing for a long two weeks.
Unlike 'The Hunger Games', the stakes aren't just high for PNMs, but for the chapters as well.
2. The only pose you'll ever need
Trendy candids aside, this sorority stereotype rings true. Especially in Recruitment. How else does 50 or more people fit in one frame?
3. Trying to sleep the night before, even though it's impossible.
It might not be the Red Wedding, but sometimes it get's pretty darn close.
4. Buying Recruitment outfits
"Does anyone have a light powder/egg shell/baby blue dress I can borrow?
5. When a PNM and Rusher do not hit it off.
You have to be nice, but no doubt about you two will probably never speak again.
6. Going back to school two weeks early to participate in Recruitment.
Trade catered Chick-fil-A for a water cup and a whirlwind wind conversation.
7. When the chapter is on a roll with party timing.
Running in heels has never been as much as an accomplishment as it is when you make it through the back door with 10 seconds to spare.
9. Using Lily Pullitzer as a litmus test.
10. Watching the Round 3 video
In all the madness, seeing sisterhood embodied in a 10 minute video reminded why you joined your sorority in the first place.
11. Preparing for Preferentials knowing you have just one more day.
The end seems so close, yet so far.12. Getting ready on Bid Day
Bid Day is like Christmas. Current members are like parents. They have spent weeks, really months, preparing for one of the biggest days of the year. PNM's are the little children, racing down the stairs to see what big gift lies just around the corner.