14 Simple Ways To Make Women Swoon That Men Underestimate
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14 Simple Ways To Make Women Swoon That Men Underestimate

A happy girl is a happy world

14 Simple Ways To Make Women Swoon That Men Underestimate

Men seem to constantly be in battle with one another to impress women the most, and the saddest part is that they all fail to realize it takes the simplest gestures and words to win a woman's heart. Through my opinion and the help of other ladies I've talked to, I compiled a list of 14 sure-fire ways to make women swoon that men underestimate.

1. Eye Contact

Making eye contact with a girl, and being comfortable and confident enough with yourself to be able to hold that eye contact is a sure fire way to unravel any girl (as long as you’re not being creepy about it.)

2. Being fit, but not ripped

So many guys think that they need to have a perfectly chiseled 6 pack and humongous arms to attract a girl, when really a lot of us like a little bit of pudge. Being in shape, but still having a little bit of extra meat on your bones is one of our favorite looks on a guy. Just make sure you know when to draw the line between being a little extra pudgy, and the beginning stages of a dad bod.

3. Having some hair instead of “manscaping”

I’ll always wonder why guys thinking having facial hair makes them think they look dirty and disheveled. As long as you’re not carrying around food scraps in your beard, chances are girls will like it. Being completely clean faced makes us think we’re talking to a little boy. The more hair, the sexier the man.

4. Smelling good, but also smelling like yourself

There’s a fine line between smelling good, and suffocating people with the pounds of cologne radiating off of your body. A good cologne is key to making a girl more attracted to you, but so is letting her get a whiff of your natural body smell every once in a while. Protect the ozone layer, and use your cologne sparingly.

5. Cooking for her, instead of taking her out to dinner

Sure, every girl loves to be wined and dined every once in a while, but absolutely nothing beats a night at home with your man cooking for you. Watching a man cook is by far one of the sexiest things in the world, and enjoying an edible meal cooked by them that tastes good is even sexier.

6. Planning a date night for the two of you

A date night doesn’t have to cost $200, and it doesn’t have to be something totally spontaneous. Even something as simple as taking your girl to walk along the beach at night or having a picnic in the park for lunch are small, inexpensive gestures that you're sure she won’t forget.

7. Commenting on her appearance

Girls can be some of the most insecure beings in the world, but hearing a man tell her she looks beautiful is something so simple that can boost her confidence ten-fold. Make sure your girl always knows how beautiful you think she is, even if it’s right before bed or the minute she wakes up. And remember, there’s an infinite number of things you can call a girl regarding her appearance besides calling her “hot.”

8. Asking how her day was

Showing someone that you care, even in the simplest of ways, has a greater impact on that person than you’ll ever know. There are few things better than asking your girl how her day was and showing her that you are genuinely interested in her response.

9. Telling her something reminded you of her

The cutest thing in the world is hearing somebody tell you they saw something or heard something that made them think of you. It just feels good to know someone knows enough about you and pays enough attention to start associating you with things they see or hear during their day. Telling your girl something reminded you of them will definitely make her swoon.

10. Picking up little gifts for her

Picking up little things for your girl that you know she’ll appreciate such as a piece of chocolate or ice cream when she’s on her period is a simple way of showing her that you care and were thinking about her even when you two were apart.

11. Sending her good morning and goodnight texts

These texts don’t have to be paragraph long accounts of how much you love her, but just a simple “Good morning, I hope you have a good day” is a simple way to show her you care and that she’s the first thing on your mind when you wake up.

12. Calling her at random times during the day

Even better than texting her is giving her a call to see what she’s up to or how her day is going. Calls are a lot more intimate than texts, and hearing your voice unexpectedly is bound to boost her mood.

13. Helping her make a decision/solve a problem

If she’s trusting you enough to confide in you and ask for your advice on something, your best bet is to actually listen to what she’s saying, so you can help her come up with a solution. Showing her you care about what she’s going through enough to try to help her through any problems she may be having is a small gesture to show her that you want what’s best for her and are willing to help her achieve it

14. Being mushy every once in a while

Being mushy and sappy 24/7 will make any girl feel like she's suffocating, so be sure to use this tactic sparingly. Posting a picture of the two of you with a cute caption every once in a while, or letting the twitter world know how lucky you are to have her in your life will make your girl feel on top of the world and prove to her that you aren't embarrassed to show the world she's yours

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