Being a procrastinator requires living a unique lifestyle. You learn to spend your time doing everything except for what you’re supposed to do. You’ve pulled countless all-nighters working on projects that were assigned weeks in advance, you’ve put off cleaning your room until you couldn’t see the floor anymore and you’ve been yelled at for not doing your chores right after you were asked to. Everyone tells you it’s not smart to be a procrastinator and that you should work on not saving everything for last minute, but you’ll fix that problem later, right? Here are 13 signs you procrastinate like it’s your job.
1. You keep yourself occupied by doing everything except for the thing that needs to be done.
2. “I’ll do it tomorrow,” is your motto.
3. You blame Netflix’s automatic next episode function for fostering your habit.
4. You also blame every form of social media.
5. You’re chronically late because you get easily distracted.
6. You’ll do anything to put off doing schoolwork, even if it means cleaning your room or doing laundry.
7. You rush to do all your work the night before it’s due.
9. Food breaks are your partner in crime.