Whether you believe it or not, you’re proud to be from Stamford. We’re one of the most unique cities in Connecticut; no one’s like us. The articles that talk about “Signs you Grew Up in Connecticut” or “Signs you grew up in Fairfield County” nowhere near explain what it’s like to grow up in Stamford, trust me. The city that works is growing larger by the day, and rush hour traffic keeps getting worse and worse. But amiss all that, you still remember Stamford for what it was, and still is. Our childhood memories are embedded in the city, and it’ll always have a special spot in our hearts no matter how far away we live from there now. So if you’re born and raised in Stamford, you definitely know about all these:
1. The Stamford High and Westhill Rivalry
No matter what sport it was, whenever these two teams play each other it’s an exciting game. You could always count on Black Knight Nation and the Purple Pack to come decked out in full force to cheer on their teams.
2. You own at least one pair of Sperry’s
Walk down the halls at school and 95% of guys are wearing Sperry’s.
3. Garden Catering is life
If you want to be technical now, its Reddi Rooster, but it will always be known as Garden Catering. There’s nothing better than a high school with seasoning and honey mustard at any time of the day.
4. Your day isn’t started without Donut Delight
No matter where you go, someone has Donut Delight coffee. It’s the best coffee, hands down, there’s no denying it.
5. Middle schoolers take over the mall
Don’t be embarrassed, we all practically lived there in our middle school days. The mall used to be “the spot” for some reason, and you’d hang with a group of your friends doing god knows what.
6. Waiting in the long lines at Dairy Queen
No matter how long the line is, you know you’re going to wait for ice cream. It doesn’t get much better than this; it's the perfect treat for a hot summer day.
7. The fairs
Whether it be the Greek fair or St. Leo's fair, you were there on a Friday night with all your friends. The Greek fair told you summer was coming, and the St. Leo's fair sadly told you summer was over.
8. You ALWAYS Went to Friday Night Skate
There was no debate about this, in middle school you were at
FNS no matter what. You went with all your friends and always ended up with
blisters from the rental skates.
9. You’ve said at least once "there’s nothing to do in Stamford"
Admit it, we’ve all said this at least once. Somedays are boring and uneventful here, but you still love your city.
10. Bulls Head Diner is the spot
Whether it’s 1 a.m. and you’re coming home from a party or you just want to grab a quick bite to eat, Bulls Head is the place to go. The late night munchies menu is always a go-to.
11. 4th of July fireworks at the beach
Every year you cram on the beach with all your friends and watch the fireworks. It might be jam packed but you still have a good time with all your friends.
12. The dreaded traffic on I-95
We all hate it. What normally takes 15 minutes takes you 30 now. Its unavoidable, but you got to deal with it. We do live in a city after all.
13. You’ve been to Alive @ 5 before
Before it was 21 and over, this was our summer Thursday nights. Teens and adults packed into downtown and vibed with the music.