13 Signs You're From Iowa City | The Odyssey Online
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13 Signs You're From Iowa City

Home is where the heart is.

13 Signs You're From Iowa City

Iowa City: college town, home of the Iowa Hawkeyes, and the place I call home. Iowa City is often times overlooked as a top-notch city in Iowa, with towns like Des Moines and Cedar Rapids being larger and more popular. But here, in the heart of the Midwest, lies a number of incredible memories and good times that you only understand if you are from this incredible diverse, historic town city.

1. Hamburg Inn No. 2

Opened in the 1930s, Hamburg Inn is one of Iowa City's most famous restaurants. With Presidents Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama all having visited, Iowa City-ians often visit the local hotspot to have one of their famous Pie Shakes and/or their delicious all-day breakfast.

2. West High vs. City High

If you grew up in Iowa City or the surrounding cities, you know of the rivalry between the Trojans and the Little Hawks. From football to show choir, the two Iowa City schools hash it out every year to one up the other. But it's okay, everyone needs a little healthy competition, especially hormonal high schoolers.

3. The flood of 2008

Whether you're from Iowa City of not, you've probably heard of the flood of 2008. With rivers flooding everywhere in the Midwest, Iowa City was one of the hardest hit. The damage from the horrible flood took away many beloved buildings, including the Hancher Auditorium, which will be reopening after 8 years in the fall of 2016.

4. Coralville, North Liberty, and Iowa City

If you're from any of these cities, you're bound to simply say you're from Iowa City when asked your hometown. They're so close, it's often difficult to tell which city you're actually in.

5. Scratch Cupcakery vs. Molly's Cupcakes

Ah, Iowa City cupcakes. While neither cupcake store was founded in Iowa City, both have found their way to the heart of Iowa, and to the stomachs of its citizens. The debate about which is better can often become a heated one, with the two brands being so different. So stop by both these bakeries and make your decision: the buttercream frosting over a moist cupcake from Scratch, or a fun filled cupcake with whipped buttercream from Molly's.

6. University Heights

Don't say the first thing that popped into your head wasn't "don't speed!" because we all know that it was. How is this even a city?!

7. Downtown Iowa City

Downtown Iowa City has everything. From the Englert Theatre to favorite restaurants like Mesa, Short's, and Nodo, if you're looking for a fun time, downtown is the place to go.

8. Iowa City Public Library

Speaking of downtown Iowa City, the Iowa City Public Library is a great place for kids and adults alike. Whether you are a huge reader or not, the library has something for everyone, like movies, games, and CDs. Not to mention, the playground behind the library was always a blast to play on during the hot summer days.

9. Hawkeye Pride

Even if you're not a huge sports fan, or even a student of the University of Iowa, if you live in Iowa City you have some sort of Hawkeye pride in you. It's inevitable.

10. Chef MIMAL

As a child, learning about Chef MIMAL was fascinating. If you're not one of the five states in MIMAL, you probably have no clue who or what MIMAL is. If you take a close look at a map of the United States, you'll notice a man wearing a chef's hat in the states of Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

11. Corn


12. Old Capitol Mall

Once the capitol of Iowa, the Old Capitol is now a shopping center in downtown Iowa City. While it isn't the most thrilling shopping experience, the quirky Silver Spider and fun Sweets and Treats candy store make the stop worthwhile.

13. Ashton Kutcher

Iowa's pride and joy. While Cedar Rapids is the birthplace of this famous actor, Iowa City has a personal connection to him as well. He attended the University of Iowa and was discovered there for a modeling contest. The rest, we say, is history.

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