1. You cleaned your room even though no one was coming over.
2. You called your doctor/dentist and made an appointment for yourself.
3. You found something in the grocery store WITHOUT having to call your mom and ask her where it was.
4. You finished a project that wasn't even due that day.
5. You ate something besides cookies for breakfast.
6. You went to bed before 3 a.m. on a weekend.
7. You told yourself you were going to wake up before noon on a Saturday to go run errands, and then, you actually DID IT.
8. When your family asks you what you want for Christmas, and the only things you come up with are: a steady job, financial security, a love life, more time for naps, etc.
9. You got socks for Christmas, and you were PUMPED.
10. You went to a Christmas party that wasn't preceded by the word "tacky."
11. You wore a white shirt all day without spilling any food on it.
12. You tried out a recipe you saw online, and it turned out almost exactly how it was supposed to.
13. You got sick and had to make YOURSELF chicken noodle soup.
Even if you haven't accomplished all of these things, don't worry. You're well on your way to being a complete adult, but you'll always be a child at heart.