13 Signs You Went To Massapequa High School
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13 Signs You Went To Massapequa High School

"Once A Chief, Always A Chief"

13 Signs You Went To Massapequa High School
Massapequa Patch

High school is a very pivotal four years in a person's life, and if you're lucky, you get to go to a high school that will change you forever. You know you went to a great high school when you have amazing memories that you can never shut up about, but at the same time, love to hate it. We would always say how much we couldn't wait to get out of there and move on with our lives, but it isn't until you leave that you start to miss it just a little bit. Massapequa High School is no different. If you call yourself a Chief, you can definitely relate to all or most of these things:

1. You've played at least one sport in your life, even if it was only for a minute.

Massapequa is known for their sports teams, and for good reason. With all their sports winning countless awards like counties and states, the MHS athletes deserve nothing but recognition. You wouldn't admit it then, but walking down the hallway in your jersey on a game day always made you feel a bit like a celebrity.

2. Cart lady cookies were the highlight of your day.

Have double period science? Odds are you went down to the gym lobby during your break to get some of those ooey gooey amazing chocolate chip cookies (sometimes a little too ooey gooey). It was the best $2.00 you ever spent.

3. You never actually ate in the cafeteria, unless you had detention or ISS.

The cafeteria, or "Cyber Cafe", was completely revamped a few years ago and although it may be pretty cool to hang out when you have an out period or it's pouring outside and Fredo's is too far of a walk, you never actually ate the food there though, unless it was a quick drink or snack.

4. Homecoming Week (or Spirit Week) was the greatest week of the year.

Hall decorating contests, different themes everyday for spirit week, a pep rally on Friday, Homecoming was the best. And of course the big parade and football game that Saturday.

5. The week of mid-terms was really just an excuse to hang out with your friends with no school all week.

Did anyone actually spend the entire week studying for mid-terms? Be honest, it was like another week-long break most of the time, and that "study group" you told your parents you were going to was really just you and your friends hanging out all day.

6. Your nights were spent at Burns Park, Seaford Movies, or ice skating at Marjorie Post.

At least the days before we had our licenses and cars. For some odd reason, we all loved to spend our Friday nights walking around Burns with our friends, and of course when it was winter, the 6-9 ice skating session was always the place to be.

7. What's a Daler?

Oh, Farmingdale. The town we love to hate. Football games always got a little too crazy sometimes. Anyone remember that huge brawl that went all the way to Southgate? I luckily graduated before that wonderful event.

8. Coach K.

Enough said. This man truly loved every single student and faculty member at MHS. We were his whole world, and he was our's. Without a doubt the kindest, most selfless person that will ever walk the MHS halls.

9. You probably worked for summer rec.

Hey, here's a great idea! Let's turn all six elementary schools that have no air conditioning whatsoever into camps and have the high schoolers be the counselors! There were many days spent in those humid schools that you wish you could forget, but summer rec is definitely one of the greatest memories you have.

10. Your pre-prom pictures were always hosted by that friend who had a house on the water.

We are lucky enough to live on an island, and a town that is right on the south shore. The canal or open bay/ocean in the background of your prom pictures made for that perfect Instagram worthy moment.

11. There were three possible after prom locations: City, Jersey Shore or Montauk.

After prom was what everyone was really looking forward to on prom night. What's better than renting a house or getting a hotel with all of your best friends for one last hurrah before high school ends?

12. Senior year holds a very special place in your heart.

Everything starts to become your last. The last time you go to your locker between fifth and sixth period. The last time you go get an overpriced salad at Bistro (RIP). The last time you see people that you have gone to school with since you were in Kindergarten because there is a good chance that you won't see some of them again. It's a sad thought, but life will just get in the way, and that's okay. You'll hear sad graduation songs like "Friends Forever" and "Time of Your Life" the last week of school, so be prepared for tears and lots of them.

13. "Once A Chief, Always A Chief" will always be something you will be proud to say.

It's the school we love to hate, the town we love to hate. For some reason, when we leave it, we feel an emptiness. We've left our roots. No more Homecoming games, no more Tailgating t-shirts (or BlueCrew, or whatever they are now). It all becomes real, you're leaving and moving onto college or wherever life is taking you. You may not have realized it when you were a student, but this place will always hold a special place in your heart, and believe it or not, you'll be so proud to say that you are in fact a Massapequa Chief.

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