13 Signs Your Friend Is Obsessed With Taylor Swift
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13 Signs Your Friend Is Obsessed With Taylor Swift

13 Signs Your Friend Is Obsessed With Taylor Swift

We all know her: that one friend who, for as long as we can remember, has been a diehard Swiftie. Maybe it started way back in 2006 with the curly-haired girl who crooned "Teardrops On My Guitar" and "Hey Stephen." Maybe she heard "Blank Space" on the radio for the first time last fall and immediately fell in love. Either way, almost every friend group has a Swiftie -- and here are 13 (Taylor's lucky number, of course) ways you can recognize her.

1. She bought multiple copies of "1989" in an attempt to get every polaroid.

Oh, look. There goes your bank account. Lovely.

2. She hung all of the aforementioned polaroids up on her wall.

Yes, even the duplicates that she inevitably got. If it were any other context, this would make her a weird celebrity shrine-builder -- but she's your friend, so you're willing to overlook it.

3. She'll sneak lyrics into every possible situation.

She wants an impromptu late-night trip to Cookout? "Drop everything now". You got in a fight? "You're not sorry". Leaving for Christmas break? "Say you'll remember me". Anything is fair game.

4. She goes all-out for concerts.

Not only has this girl seen Taylor live multiple times, she goes to the concert covered in glitter, LED lights, and facepaint -- all prepared months in advance. Anything to get noticed by the backstage pass (aka LOFT89) crew.

5. You know the words to every single Taylor song.

You were pretty indifferent about Taylor's music when you first met your friend. Maybe you knew a chart-topping single or two. Now, however, you've got a lifetime of embarrassing karaoke material memorized by heart to work with.

6. You had to talk her out of dying her hair after the Wildest Dreams video dropped.

You're not gonna look like that. No one looks like that. Do you know how hard black dye is to get out?

7. It's not Christmas, it is Swiftmas.

When the holiday season rolls around, your girl not-so-secretly wishes that a magical package from her heroine will show up on her doorstep. If someone I'd never met in real life decided to lurk on my social media for months, acquire my address, and then mail me a package at Christmas, I'd call the cops -- but if it was Taylor, well, that's a different story.

8. You know the in's and out's of every single Swift scandal.

Wait, Taylor tweeted what to Nicki? That jaded ex said what to the tabloids? How are those music videos racist? She snorted what at the MTV VMAs? You know every single detail of every single rumor -- no matter however out-of-proportion or just blatantly untrue it is -- because your friend was distressed and decided to vent her feelings about it to you.

9. She's told you she wants a cat.

And you'd bet your life that she would name it Meredith or Olivia. Bonus points if you're her roommate.

10. She bought a Polaroid camera.

And she uses it to take artsy photos of your squad, because who wouldn't want to pay over a dollar for every photo that you take?

11. She knows every single member of Taylor's #GirlSquad.

She refers to each of them by first name and can list them alphabetically, chronologically, or by occupation -- but it's OK, because through this, she introduced you to at least one of your new favorite celebrities.

12. She's got a weird obsession with baking.

Apparently, Taylor (and #GirlSquad member Karlie Kloss, who owns her own cookie company) is really into baking. You can't complain about this one, though, because hey, you'll take free sweets anytime.

13. She's a little bit crazy, but you wouldn't have her any other way.

At times, your friend's Taylor obsession may drive you insane, but you can't imagine her any other way. When you're on your next road trip and she hits "repeat" on 1989 for the fifth time in a row, take a deep breath and think to yourself: hey, at least it isn't the Kardashians.

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