We have all heard jokes about art kids. We have all seen the depictions in movies. But what is it really like to go to a performing arts high school?
1. Colored hair and piercings are the norm
Because who wants to look like a square?
2. You have a major even though you're still in high school
There's the theatre majors, the dance majors, the musical theatre majors, the instrumental music majors, and the vocal music majors...even though no one is coming out of high school with a college degree.
3. The hallways in your school are always very busy
When I say "busy," I mean filled with kids dancing, playing their ukulele, or doing a number of other unusual activities.
4. All (or most) of your friends are artists
There's always that one kid who only went to art school because he thought it would be easier than regular school, and then he tries to call himself a theatre major.
5. You have the coolest teachers
Not only do you have some of the coolest teachers, but you also have teachers who actually give a s*** about your success and wellbeing.
6. You spend more time at school than you do at home
Sure, school may get out around 3 p.m., but you still aren't getting home until 6 p.m. or later. There's rehearsal for music concerts, dance shows, plays, musicals, and much, much more that you need to stay after for.
7. People always ask you if you have to take math...
Yes, kids at art schools still have to take math. In fact, we still have to follow all the same state requirements that other schools do.
8. PE has a totally different meaning
Running laps around a gym? Nah, how about some ballet or show choir instead?
9. Your peers come from all over the place
The terrible reality you have to drive nearly an hour to get to some sort of friend's house.
10. Instead of sporting events, you have variety shows
Homecoming has a totally different meaning in art school.
11. Everyone knows everyone
You even know the people you don't know.
12. Some of the dancers wear leggings to school every day because they don't want to change clothes
Yes, I was guilty as charged. Who wants to change clothes for dance class when you can just dress comfy every day instead?
13. People wear whatever they want
From full on cosplay to your grandma's sweater...you've seen it all.