1. This March on Science is serious, people. (Denver, CO)
2. Without science, this world would be a dark, dark place. (Philadelphia, PA)
3. Good things- like facts- come with time. (London, UK)
4. President Trump just doesn't have time to deal with the truth, I guess. (Boston, MA)
5. WTF?? (London, UK)
6. Reversing climate change takes change. (Rome, Italy)
7. Atoms aren't the only ones who make up everything - *ahem* Trump... (Washington, DC)
8. Dr. Seuss would be proud. (Washington, DC)
9. First we marched for our rights, now we march for facts. What's next? (Washington, DC)
10. Fun fact: There were Marches for Science on all seven continents this Earth day! (Neumayer Station, Antarctica)
Sign reads: “Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less.” - Marie Curie
11. From the Arctic to the Antarctic, scientists and nerds all across the world took a stand. (Ny-Ålesund, Norway- inside the Arctic Circle)
Sign reads: "Somewhere something incredible is waiting to be known."