Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a true “Masshole”?
Massachusetts has a lot of culture; we are all in love with Tom Brady, know
our sports, appreciate that potholes add excitement to our driving and are obsessed with Dunkin'
Donuts. Here are some signs that you truly can’t deny you are from
1. You're not a bad driver
No matter what they say, you aren’t a bad driver. You may not be the best, but, hey, at least you are determined and know what you want.
2. The Yankees are evil... end of story
3. Dunks is life
Dunkin' Donuts is always called "Dunks," and there is one on every corner.
4. You ordered an iced coffee, no surprise there
No matter how cold it is, you still order a iced coffee.
5. You are always prepared for the weather
It could be snowing in the morning, then pouring rain, and by the end of the day it could be humid, but you were prepared for all of it.
6. You know what a rotary is
You call the traffic circle a “rotary.”
7. Two words: Tom Brady
Everyone has a crush on Tom Brady.
8. You can pronounce “Worcester” the right way
No, it's not “wore-chester," it is “wus-ter” thank you very much.
9. I'm thirsty, let me find a bubbler
You call water fountains "bubblers."
10. No, the package store is not where you buy packages or pick them up
You call the liquor store the “package store.”
11. Every time you hear someone say “BAWSTON” you cry a little on the inside
Come on people its not Bawston its Bosston.
12. You aren’t called a Masshole for nothing
You know where all the staties are parked because you go at least 15 mph over and let's not forget you don’t “use yah blinkah.”