If you asked me two years ago what I thought about coffee, I'd probably twist my mouth up in disgust and say, "Ew." Looking back, my reaction is nothing short of blasphemous. College has taught me that coffee is not just a morning beverage, but a life-saver--an absolute necessity. In fact, I drink coffee so frequently I am convinced that it has replaced the very blood within my body. If this sounds familiar, here are 13 signs that coffee flows through your veins:
1. Just the thought of drinking coffee is enough motivation to get out of bed.
Even on those dreaded Monday mornings, thinking about a steaming hot cup of your favorite brew pulls you from your warm covers.
2. Watching the coffee pour from your Keurig and into your mug is truly a religious experience.
Sure, waking up to birds singing is nice and all, but the soft hissing my Keurig makes as it pours out coffee is music to my ears.
3. You are no longer fazed by the bitterness of coffee.
Your coffee used to look like milk with all of the creamer you put in it, but you've learned to appreciate the bitter coffee beans.
4. It doesn't matter the season--iced coffee is ALWAYS in.
Hot summer day? Iced coffee. Chilly fall afternoon? Iced coffee. Below freezing temperatures in the middle of December? Iced coffee. Iced coffee? Iced coffee. Don't judge.
5. A coffee cup is constantly glued to your hand.
In fact, people are genuinely shocked when you show up to class/work/life without some form of coffee in your grasp. *firmly grasps coffee cup*
6. You get pounding headaches if you don't have at least one cup a day.
Caffeine really is addictive; when you stop drinking coffee, you'll go through symptoms of withdrawal. Check out more info here.
7. And it's totally normal to consume more than one cup a day.
At this point, you've made coffee one of the nutritional food groups. Coffee for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert? Yes, please.
8. Your barista knows you well--maybe a little TOO well.
Not only do they know your name and your favorite drink, but they know approximately what time you'll pay them a visit, as well as the name of your dog, your employer, and the status of your relationship. Special shout-out to Suzanne in the Hancock Brew. What a wonderful woman.
9. But, being BFFs with the barista has its perks.
My local Starbucks barista always charges me for a tall when I order a venti. God bless him.
10. Decaf no longer exists in your vocabulary.
Your body is so used to caffeine flowing through it 24/7 that it no longer messes with your sleeping pattern if you drink it too late. So forget the decaf--bring on the caffeine.
11. It's impossible to go out during the day and not stop at Starbucks or Dunkin.
Especially if there's a drive-through. Then it really is a must.
12. And the most important debate in your life right now is not presidential, but whether Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts is better.
We all have our opinions, and we certainly stand by them. (Starbucks for life).
13. Finally, while your family and friends think you're crazy, you wouldn't have it any other way.
"A coffee IV is a great idea, guys. Don't deny it." -Me.
So fellow coffee-lovers, embrace your addiction. It's the best one you could have, after all.