These are key issues members of the Black Lives Matter movement continuously work on pushing out of the hearts of so, so many people in America.
This narrative that a cop just had to shoot because a black man was going to shoot first is tired and empty of facts.
Dylan Roof admitted that he had hopes of stirring up a race war but the police officers that were there that day decided he had a right to life and fast food. Why can't that be the story of Alton Sterling or Philando Castile today?
Americans react immediately to even a hint of a terrorist attack but fail to acknowledge terrorism as something not only carried out by non-Americans. The black-on-black crime excuse is only reasonable if you agree cops should be compared to criminals.
America's justice system isn't even about right or wrong anymore but about your identity. Brock Turner is still very alive. He might not eat his favorite food anymore but his heart is beating and that's what counts. Alton Sterling is not.
For black Christians, our faith plays a role in all of this. Oppression can't be wished away but action must be taken. Be wary of ministers who don't promote things like social justice or faith through works.
What kind of world do we live where the life of a gorilla or a lion is worth more than a fellow human?
Police brutality happens because of fear of the unknown or of what one is not familiar with. The fear of someone that doesn't look like you needs to be eliminated because that's what gives birth to hate crimes.
A list of things and activities black men and children have been killed because of.
Oh, blue lives matter? I thought all lives matter? Because this movement is clearly a joke, enjoy these cute pictures of Blue Ivy.
Gospel artiste Kirk Franklin used his platform to speak out to his specific audience.
John Legend is always on point.
Double standards. Watch out for the people who react based on the type of persons killed.
Despite what some may say, social media can actually make a difference. During this period of hurt and anger, protests and marches have been planned and carried out through social networks like Twitter.
You don't have to be that celebrity with a huge following to share knowledge and support on your various pages.