Everyone wants to be that motivated, work-out person, but no one wants to actually work out. Gym memberships cost money, running makes you feel like you're dying, and exercising at home is boring, right? I don't know about you, but I think these excuses are INVALID! Everyone has a form of exercise that is perfect for them; you just have to find it. Being active doesn't have to mean a three mile run or a trip to the gym; it can also be something as simple as yoga or walking. Once you find your niche, there are undeniable physiological, physical, and mental benefits of exercise... Plus a few more, but we'll get to those.
1. Exercise gives you more energy
It may seem like an oxymoron, but it's true. Working out strengthens blood circulation and lung capacity (which is a given), but many studies also show that a quick workout can do more to combat fatigue than a nap.
2. Your flexibility is improved
... which eliminates a lot of muscle pain and aches. Additionally, now you can touch your toes!
3. It's an excuse to buy cute workout clothes
The leggings, sports bras, SHOES, hello???
4. Your body reflects your work
The goal of exercise should not be to lose weight, but over time, your body will likely change. Weight loss may be the result, or perhaps more muscle definition and improved posture.
5. You get endorphins
Which make you happy! Seriously, studies have shown that exercise is a great tool for those battling mental illness or stress.
6. Your work ethic begins to change
Suddenly, things that seemed like too much work aren't that bad. You learn that challenges are meant to be overcome.
7. A confidence boost
It's hard not to be proud of yourself when you push yourself every day. Others will begin to notice the difference, too in your body, your energy, and the way you see yourself and others.
8. It gives you new respect for your body
Now you know what your muscles and heart are capable of. Instead of wasting them by sitting all day, take advantage of them. You won't have this body forever.
9. Improved eating habits come along with it
If you're running three times a week, or going to the gym every week day, you won't want to throw away your success with a trip to the drive-thru afterwards.
10. ...but then you don't feel bad if you indulge
chocolate cake? No problem! Two slices? Still not a problem! The entire cake: it's probably a problem.
11. After a while, it's no longer a chore
It's an ingrained habit. Exercise is officially part of your day, not an afterthought.
12. It's social
Group fitness classes are a common favorite, or some people like running with a buddy. Either way, working out is a great way to catch up with buds and meet new people!
13. You will start to look forward to it
Believe it or not. Exercise will become your "me time", a way to de-stress.