After a very long and anticipated wait, Netflix finally released 13 Reasons Why. If you don't know what the series is, it's based off of the popular novel by Jay Asher. The story follows Hannah Baker, who commits suicide, and leaves behind 13 tapes to be passed along between the 13 people and reasons she holds responsible for her death. The show is graphic, emotional, and hard to watch - but it's probably the best show I've watched in ages.
Throughout it's first week, the series has gotten incredibly popular - but it has also opened up people's eyes. Not only has it reminded us that bullying is alive and well, but that somebody could be suffering in silence and you could not have a single clue.
I used to be one of those people. I used to suffer in silence because I was too ashamed of my emotions. I was scared that I would just be judged for my feelings rather than be taken seriously. I'm gonna be honest, people are not nice when it comes to people who feel suicidal. But rather than spending my time right now harping on those who have nothing better to do then poke fun at someone's pain, I want to talk to you. Yes, you.
If you've clicked on this article, you may be wondering what reasons could I possibly feel the need to reiterate to remind someone of the joys in life. Or, you could be curious as to how many reasons we have in common. Or, you could be somebody who's struggling themselves to find the willpower to keep going. Well if you're feeling stuck, here are some things to help you stay.
1. Puppies, or kitties, or both.
This category is not subject to just puppies or kitties, but any type of fun loving animal that you enjoy. Having a pet is one of the most comforting things in the world. They will never judge you, they're always there to listen to you, and they're the GREATEST cuddlers. Yes, it may not be human contact, but sometimes another being's presence is really all you need.
2. Your family.
I'm fully aware that not everyone has the most stable family life, but regardless of how well you get along with your parents or how much you fight with your sibling - not having them would be crushing, and vice versa. Despite the stupid things you all do to each other, at the end of the day, you have them through thick and thin and that's a bond that will never break.
To those who don't have contact with their family at all, my heart goes out to you. Just know it's never too late to reconnect - trust me.
3. Traveling.
This is something that I urge you to do if you're feeling stuck. Sometimes getting away from an area that's bringing nothing but negative vibes into your life can really be extremely helpful. I've had times where I've been somewhere that has just made me feel so miserable and sometimes just getting up and going somewhere far away gave me the breather I needed. Not to mention, you have the chance to explore this beautiful world. Why would you want to past that up?
4. You have so many more people to meet.
People will come in and out of your life, more often than you're going to want them to. But it's important to know that the people you know while you're 17 are very rarely going to be the people you know at 27. As you grow up, so do the people around you. You still have the opportunity to meet so many more people of different backgrounds that could seriously change your life.
5. Music.
I know this sounds cheesy and not so serious, but music seriously can do wonders for you. Whether your singing it, listening to it, or blasting it in your car on a 2am drive, the right song can put you in the best mood and change your entire demeanor. After all, we have music therapy for a reason, right? It's been proven to be so helpful for someone's health - don't push it aside. Let it help you.
6. There's always someone who will listen.
I know this seems unbelievable, but there will ALWAYS be somewhere there to listen to you when you're feeling this way. Whether it's a family member, a friend, a significant other, or someone you don't even know, someone is always will to listen to you to try and help. That's why there are a plethora of hotlines and text lines for you - so you could talk to someone if you don't feel comfortable opening up to someone you know just yet.
7. Napping.
This one may not be as serious, but seriously. Naps are the most amazing thing ever. It's a way to turn off your brain for a little while and just rest. Turn the world off for a few hours. It also gives your mind a chance to stop thinking so much and relax. I know personally that when my mind is going and I need to just stop, I just crawl into bed and sleep. Then when I wake up, I feel refreshed and I think everything through rationally because my head is clear. It helps more than you think.
8. Road trips.
I know this goes along with traveling almost, but getting in a car is a different feel than taking a plane. If you want a chance to not just escape your hectic life for a little while and just cruise down the highway, a road trip is the best thing to do. Whether it's 5 minutes or 5 hours, nothing is more calming than a road trip. Plus, road trips with people are SO much fun. Seriously, you have the most intense and deep conversations during a car ride. It's truly an experience in itself I recommend you let yourself enjoy.
9. All of the FOOD.
Another one that isn't that serious - but imagine no more pizza and french fries. No more mozzarella sticks. No more chicken nuggets. No more chocolate chip cookies. JUST THINK OF ALL THE FOOD. IT'S SO GOOD. I know emotional eating isn't usually encouraged, but let's be honest we all love doing it.
10. Life in a year will not be how life is now.
I wish I could have you read this paragraph 100 times. Life the way it is now is not how it will be in a year, or two years, or five years. What is happening now in your life is temporary, this is not how it will be forever. Nothing is permanent in this life. You will not be this miserable forever.
11. Knowing it's going to get better.
This goes along with number 10, but things can not get worse. You are at your lowest point right now - and the good thing about that is that there is nowhere to go but up from here. That's the thing about rock bottom - you can't get any lower and there will be someone up top to help pull you out.
12. You will be missed.
I know you're thinking right now that nobody is going to miss you or care if you're gone, but I promise that people would care. Whether it's a family member, or a friend, a teacher, a classmate, your neighbor, your pet - you WILL be missed. People's lives would not be the same without you. You have an effect on people, whether you believe it or not.
13. I am here for you, regardless if we are know each other or not.
I know this sounds weird, but I just want you to know I've been in your shoes before. I've been so low where I wanted to end it all because I felt this was all pointless. But I've learned that it only takes one person to help pull you out of the dark. I've had people I don't know come to me just when they see I posted a tweet that seemed sad to make sure I'm okay, and I've done vice versa. Sometimes it just takes knowing that one person is paying attention to make the world of a difference.
Regardless if we are the best of friends, the worst of enemies, or we don't even speak - I want you to know that I will always be here for you. I will not turn you away and I will help you through this no matter what. You are not alone. You have me, and you always will.
If you or a loved one are experiencing suicidal thoughts, you can reach out to these organizations to help.
Crisis Text Line - text 74171
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255
Suicide and Crisis Hotline - 1-800-999-9999