"13 Reasons Why" has been articulating a lot of attention from media and people all over the world. We know the scene, the crucial scene that made all of us drop our jaw in awe and feel absolutely disgusted.
I keep it at that to not spoil anything for people who have yet to see it, but this is the main controversy that has been blowing up like wildfire. Also, some small issues as in the events that played down in the show and how it can be seen as romanticizing suicide, rape, death, and etc. How it is a trigger for a lot of people who have suffered.
Coming from someone who has suffered from depression, suicidal thoughts, and self harm: Yes there is people who are like that and there are multiple warnings to warn those people before they carry forward, but there is also people like me, who don't see it as a trigger and want you to see the real raw of things that are happening.
People who want the people being outraged by the show should be outraged on to seeing what REALLY happens all around the world in real events.
Yes, all of these happen but each is different. Every suicide, depression, and the self-harmed person has their own experience, but at least some sort of light is being shown on what is one of the top leading causes of death and troubling problems in the whole world.
The events that happen: bullying, rape, suicide. THEY HAPPEN EVERY DAY. It doesn't matter how it is portrayed, it happens. Everyone needs to see it. Everyone needs to be enraged by it.
Rape happens and people get away with it.
Bullying happens in all shapes and forms of ways and people get away with it and the victim deals with forever psychological issues.
Suicide happens all the time.
It needs to be discussed more than it is. It needs to be broadcasted way more than it is.
It needs to finally be treated as a real issue and people should be outraged.
Disclaimer: If you have a trigger or experiencing bad flashbacks or memories listen to the disclaimers they give, do not watch it. If you insist, talk to a counselor or watch it with your parents.
Disclaimer #2: With the events happening all over the United States with school shootings, I do not exactly like the end where the bullying is tied into an almost school shootings, but it is shining a limelight on being kind and being there for somebody.
Shining a limelight on what talking can do for someone. Shining a light on what being mean can psychologically do to a person. It also shows a light on the school shootings that have become too familiar in this country and how easy it is to access guns of heavy criteria.
If you know anyone who needs help, talk to them and encourage them to get help. You matter.
National Suicide Hotline: 1 (800) 273-8255 - available 24/7