*If you haven't read the book 13 Reasons Why, it's about a classmate discovering a girl's 13 reasons why she killed herself.
My best friend, before she passed away, gave me a book that she said was one of her favorites. She told me to read it. After I read that book, I kept a bit of a dairy about the 13 reasons why I should kill myself, if I ever did. Now, almost three years have passed and I continue to think of her as well as a few of the items I posses now, thanks to her. I decided I needed to redo my list... But instead of the 13 reasons why I want to kill myself, I have decided to write the 13 reasons that I live on.
1. The way summer smells
It's the smell of flowers and freshly cut grass. The sun shines and when it's not too hot out it feels like a beautiful spirit is touching your soul. Romance is in the air, pants don't exist, and school is out of session. Summer smells like every single time you've been to the beach and just let the water and sand touch your body- soaking it all in. Everything about the way summer smells takes me back to camp, or the time I spent at my grandparents. Summer smells give me life.
2. Romantic Love
Sure, romance is not the end-all, be-all reason for someone to live. But, how can I pretend that cuddles in the middle of the night don't give me life? When your partner kisses your forehand, or grabs for your hand in public, or saves the pretty towel for you because they know just how much you love it, it's pretty hard not consider that a great time to be alive.
3. Cute Animals
Whether it's puppy kisses, kitten boops, or bunnies when they yawn, animals make me so incredibly happy. Is it possible not to be deeply infatuated with an animal that wants to cuddle you every day of the week, even if it means they want to wake up at 4 a.m. to get more food? It certainly isn't for me.
4. Fresh Book Smell
This could be the inner nerd in me, but I love the way a book smells. Bonus points if it's old and musty. Extra bonus points if it smells like it's been in a library for 10+ years. This smell is the embodiment of my childhood.
5. Compliments To/From Strangers
Not to say that compliments from loved ones aren't great, but there is something that makes you feel so confident after a stranger gives you a genuine compliment. Likewise, there is nothing more empowering than giving a stranger a compliment, and watching their face brighten as if you've made their day.
6. A Fresh Cup of Hot Chocolate
I have never been a coffee drinker, but something that makes my day is when I either make myself a great cup of hot cocoa, or buy an equally amazing cup from Starbucks, or the coffee shop in BAM!.
7. Stuffed Animals
This may not be a huge thing for someone, but to me it is. I have a closet full. I have storage containers full. I have a bed full. Stuffed animals are so fluffy, and soft, and they make me feel lovely. What's more, people who love you buy you all different kinds, and you can associate them with memories. You can make them smell like your loved ones. Stuffed animals make the world a better place.
8. Internet Friends
You might consider real life friends, and I do too. And they're great. But internet friends do not get enough credit. They know you better than anyone. You didn't click because you were forced together, rather, you both chose each other. An internet friendship lasts years, if not a lifetime, even when all your friend does is like your status update, or drop a cute comment on your selfie. Internet friends are a good portion of the reason I am still here. I don't know where I'd be without you all.
9. Music
I don't use music to channel angsty emotions like I used to, but there is no lie that hearing a certain song will change my mood for the entire day. I love listening to all the different types of music and just soaking in what it means to me as well as the artist. There is nothing in this world that can be more hauntingly beautiful than Beethoven's 9th symphony to me.
10. Laughter
Not the normal laughter, but the 2 a.m. I can't sleep, why is my brain doing this to me, somebody please help me type of laughter. The laughter that can't be stopped and isn't forced. You just laugh. For minutes. Until it hurts and you cry. It's true bliss.
11. Autumn
I'm at the risk of sounding terribly redundant, but autumn brings me so much happiness I can't leave it out. The bright colors, the activities, the crunch of leaves beneath my toes. There is something about fall that makes you feel alive, and happy for absolutely no reason.
12. Rain
Some people can't stand it but, I love to dance in the rain. Or walk. It really doesn't matter what I am doing so long as I get a chance to be in the rain. I love it. There is nothing more soothing than rain.
13. Family
You don't always get along. You don't always see each other, but my family brought me life. They gave me all of my young memories. They built my path. They are the breath to my life. Without my family, I would be in a much worse place than I am right now. I could not live without the way my little brother rolls his eyes, or the way my mother checks up on me as nonchalantly as possible, trying to hide concern. And I certainly could not live without my father's weird dad jokes and phrases.