Let me start by saying this: John Cusack is absolute perfection in my eyes. If you agree with me, great, fantastic -- you'll enjoy this article as much as I do! If you don't agree, you're lying to yourself. My love for Mr. Cusack started at a young age, and continues to grow to this day. The first movie I ever remember watching him in was "Con Air." He played Vince Larkin, who oversees the transfer of prisoners aboard a prison plane. Cusack nailed the role, and that was the beginning a beautiful love affair. While I could go on and on about him, here are some reasons why John Cusack is a gift from God:
1. He is a hopeless romantic.
Literally everyone knows about the famous scene where Lloyd Dobler (Cusack) stands with a boombox in hand as "In Your Eyes" plays in a trying attempt to win the heart of Diane Court. *This set the standard*
2. He is insanely cute.
I mean, seriously?!
3. Adorably miserable.
I don't know what he is like in real life, but he is perfectly miserable on screen.
4. Perfect brother.
I would kill to be in the same room with them!
5. So wonderfully a-dork-able. ![]()
6. Fantastic actor.
No one can deny that Mr. Cusack is a great actor.
7. Funny.
I have no shame in saying that "Hot Tub Time Machine" is one of my favorite movies ever.
8. Set the standards for future boyfriends.
My standards are high because of this man.
9. His smile.
10. No one can pull off a trench coat better. ![]()
Yeah, no one.
11. Wonderfully mysterious.
I feel like he holds so many secrets, and he could probably kill someone and no one would ever know.
12. God's gift to the silver screen.
I can't imagine never having him in my life.
13. A literal perfect human being.
My love for John Cusack is something that will last forever. It is unlikely that I will ever be in the same place as him or ever meet him, but he will live on forever through his movies. Which is enough for me. Thank you Mr. Cusack for the countless times you have provided me with pleasure. You give me your love, I would not give you a pen.