It’s so nice to be able to dedicate a day to the best friends you are bound with your entire life, but if your siblings are as great as mine, every day is like National Siblings Day. There’s no other bond quite like a bond between siblings. There’s an unspoken connection that no one else can understand and you’re so grateful they are the ones you get to share the same family with. Here are some reasons why you’re so lucky that they are the people you get to share so much of your life with.
1. Late-night baking sessions
They are the few people who, when you ask them at 11:30 at night to make chocolate chip cookies with you, say OK and don’t think twice or question anything. And then they are right there with you when you decide to only use 35 percent of the dough for the actual cookies and then eat the rest of the cookie dough on purpose (the dough is better anyway).
2. Spontaneous sing-alongs
From "Bohemian Rhapsody," to "Let It Go" from "Frozen," to Coldplay, to Flo Rida, to "Defying Gravity" from "Wicked," and every other possibility in between, the second a song pops into your head, you know you can burst out at the top of your lungs and your siblings will join right on in.
3. Finding the character in the movie that best represents them
It never fails that the second you see a character in a movie who slightly represents your sibling, you give each other a look and say “hey, it’s you!” This occurs throughout the entire movie and is something that is so natural now that it’s already automatically processed in your brain.
4. Built-in buddy system
Whether it’s a board game or someone to sit next to on thecouch or someone to walk next to in public, you know you have your person, or persons, that you can always have by your side and you all naturally stick near each other and are like magnets.
5. Laugh at the stupidest stuff
Let’s face it, half of your jokes are sitting next to each other going through the different Snapchat filters and seeing how stupid the other one can look. They are one of the few people who can laugh with you about the stupidest thing and make you laugh even when you’re in the worst mood. It doesn’t have to be a huge joke -- it can be a look or a noise that can set you off into thunderous laughter. And the best part? The looks of others when you’re in public together and one of your laughing fits strike again.
6. Can never stay mad at each other
You can be driving each other crazy one minute, yelling the next, and then hugging and acting like nothing was wrong, and it’s completely normal.
7. Even in big fights you both always come around
You can have arguments that would normally tear friendships or relationships apart, but you both take some time to cool down and come back because, at the end of the day, you’re family.
8. Never alone
This can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand having a sibling can be annoying because sometimes you want your alone time. And then on the other hand, there are times when you just want someone to hold you or you just want to be around another person and they’re right there waiting for you.
9. Matching outfits were mandatory as a kid — especially on road trips
In order for your parents to avoid losing you amid the crazy crowds at Mt. Rushmore, and for almost every family photo shoot, matching outfits were necessary and, let’s face it, they make great scrapbook memories.
10. Always have each other’s back
You know that your siblings would put you before them every time whether it’s to protect you from a bully who’s picking on you or keeping a secret from your parents or sticking up for you, or cheering you on you know you can both always trust and support one another.
11. Fashion consultant
It’s the best situation: Your closet can double or triple, and you have your own personal hair stylist and someone to help you with your fashion do's and don’ts.
12. Competitive rival
Even though it’s all in good fun, you always have someone to push you to be the best you can be from video games to sports to grades you know you have this inner need to prove your dominance and prove who’s the better sibling.
13. Always have someone to drag around
Whether it’s a quick grocery store run or to an appointment, the second you ask one of them to come with you they are right there.
Even though they can get on your last nerve and never leave you alone, your parents gave you one of the best gifts when they had your siblings because your siblings have shaped you into who you are and you couldn’t picture your life without them.