13 Reasons Why: Review | The Odyssey Online
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13 Reasons Why: Review

Seven cassette tapes with thirteen sides equal thirteen reasons because their is always thirteen sides to every story.

13 Reasons Why: Review
Radio Times

While I was finishing the novel, I tweeted this: Hannah Baker you are loved and your story is important.

Because this brilliantly throughout fictional character, Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford), is a loved and cherished one throughout even though she didn't feel that. Her story is so important because it sheds light on difficult subjects that most people are too scared to discuss with teens and young adults. Jay Asher wrote a remarkably emotional touching story. In 2007, this was the first YA Novel Asher had published, it was and still is a moving novel. Now 10 years later, Netflix is giving it 13 episodes, to cover and expand on the 13 reasons of Hannah Baker's life and death. Back in 2009, a young Selena Gomez read this novel and related so much that she asked for a series or film for this incredible novel and on March 31, 2017 the world started streaming that request on screen.

Only three episodes in, Tape 1 Side A, Tape 1 Slide B, and Tape 2 Slide A - each one a different story and reason. These labels are the same that they were in the YA Novel, but the stories can be expanded and explained more within an hour. Each episode shows detailed parts of the stories behind the people on the taps. Clay Jensen (Dylan Minnette) is the one listening to the tapes now, someone previous on the list passed it on to him, now these tapes are messing with his head. He does not understand how he fits in with the rest until his names pops up. While he listens to the tapes, his current life - not the past stories - is spinning out of control. I have already found myself yelling at Clay like he can hear me because I want to to tell him it is going to be okay eventually.

With every new side of the tapes another name pops up and the reasons get worse or better, depending on how you weigh them. A group of teenagers and one counselor caused their classmate/student to forget her worth. Watch as their stories unfold, hold on because the truth is hard to hear.

7 Tapes with 13 sides in order from the YA Novel that started it all:

1. Justin Foley ( Brandon Flynn)

2. Alex Standall (Miles Heizer)

3. Jessica Davis (Alisha Boe)

4. Tyler Down (Devin Druid)

5. Courtney Crimson (Michele Ang)

6. Marcus Cooley (Steven Silvers)

7. Zach Dempsey (Ross Bulter)

8. Ryan Shaver (Tommy Dorfman)

9. Clay Jensen (Dylan Minnette)

10/12. Bryce Walker (Justin Prentice)

11. Jenny/Sheri Kurtz (Ajiona Alexus)

13. Derek Luke (Mr. Porter)

This book/series covered some pretty heavy topics that happen all the time, but we don't know how to react. We need to react. Someone needs to know their is someone else there for them. Another character in the series was showing signs of dramatic change, but people just blew it off until after another student died. I'm talking about Skye (Sosie Bacon), Clay had noticed she had stopped talking to people and dressed in black, he didn't understand it. Then, when he was trying to understand his emptiness about Hannah, he saw her scars from cutting. I think this was a changing point for their blooming trying at being friends again because he could be there for her.

This story isn't just Hannah's, it was everyone around her, connected and not connected to the tapes. But even the people on the tapes dealt with hard situations such as: rumors, coming out, abuse at home, sexual assault, drugs, alcohol abuse and loneliness, bullying. Through learning about Hannah's story, viewers learned about the other students' hidden stories, too.

You are never alone. It may not be easy to say something, but get the conversation going even if you don't say it is you. Tell someone. Remember you are important and loved - you are worth more than you know.

I asked another viewer about this intense YA Novel/Netflix Series, and their thoughts via Facebook:

Kacey Womack says:

"As a future educator, I find the novel (and series) 13 Reasons Why completely refreshing. It helps start the conversation for issues such as suicide and sexual assault in the classroom, and even in the world around us. I'm also so pleased with this book to film transformation because it is exactly as I saw it when I read it. I can't wait to see these characters unfold."

Also every social media site as been all about this series since before it released. It is intense and needs to be watched. Have tissues handy, and read the novel, too. Grab some food, beverage, tissues and a friend - the truth is hard to hear and harder to watch unfold.

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