13 Reasons To Watch '13 Reasons Why'
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13 Reasons To Watch '13 Reasons Why'

The show about teen suicide that has everyone talking.

13 Reasons To Watch '13 Reasons Why'

13 Reasons Why is probably the only thing you've been hearing about for the past week, and here are 13 reasons why:

1. It Has an Excellent Plot.

This show could have easily been made into a cheesy drama, but thankfully there is a powerful plot that is full of twists and turns. We all know how the story ends, but the mystery of the series is the question, "Why did Hannah Baker end her life?". Each episode of the season is action-packed and leaves you wanting to watch more.

2. It Has an Interesting Producer.

This Netflix series was actually co-produced by Selena Gomez and her mother. They spent years producing the show, and you can definitely tell. The show is well-thought-out and has a very big production value. I'll give it to Selena, she really knocked this one out of the park.

3. It Shines a Light on Mental Health.

4. It Shows How Depression Affects All Ages.

A big problem today is suicide in young adults and even children. It can be hard to know when a young adult is feeling depressed or suicidal because teenagers today are put under so much pressure that most exhibit at least a couple traits of depression. You can try to look out for people who are feeling low, and the best thing you can do for them is offer support and kindness whenever you see them.

5. It Shows That Actions Have Consequences.

Some of the reasons that Hannah had for killing herself were small, while others were momentous. The little things played a big role in why she killed herself. There were the little straws that broke the camel's back. Every action you make affects someone, and you have control over whether you want to make their lives better or worse.

6. It Makes You Part of the Narrative.

An interesting observation by a Twitter user was that viewers can listen to the tapes at their own pace. You can watch all of them at once or over a long period of time. You can listen to them multiple times, or not even finish them. It's your choice. This makes you connected to the character Clay and further pulls you into the story.

7. It Shows the Influence of Suicide.

The series does not only show the act of suicide, but it follows a key component, the aftermath of suicide. It shows the pain that each individual who knew Hannah Baker felt after she killed herself. It shows that suicide not only affects direct family and friends of the victim, but it affects the entire community.

8. It Shows that Suicide Isn't Easy to Commit.

One thing people say is that suicide is the "easy way out," but there was nothing easy about the way Hannah died. Hannah Baker did not want to kill herself. She sought out help from friends, family, and counselors. She tried to see the bright side. Hannah had been put down by so many people in her life that she felt there was no one to rely on. Her suicide was not a spur of the moment decision. She had to clean out her locker at school, organize her room, deal with personal business, and commit the final act of killing herself. Hannah's suicide was sad, lonely, graphic, and honestly hard to watch. Suicide is as often viewed as something that is a rash decision, but in Hannah's case, it was something she had to plan out. She thought it was her only option, and that is one of the saddest parts of the series.

9. It Has an Amazing Soundtrack.

The soundtrack for this show is seriously killer. Listen here!

10. It's Realistic About Friendships.

This series shows how friendships can evolve. Many of Hannah's friendships fizzled out or ended in big fights. One friendship even evolved into something else. This show acknowledged that friendships can grow and change, just like people can.

11. It Gives Background on Bullies.

It's so easy to think of Hannah Baker's abusers to be pure evil, but that isn't the truth about most of them. They all have struggles in their lives, just like Hannah. Their problems are heavy as well: bullying, abuse, sexual assault, and problems with identity. They all had significant personal trouble, and their weakest moments combined caused a girl to commit suicide. It is so easy to hate some of these characters, but they could have easily done the same thing as Hannah Baker.

12. It Identifies Warning Signs.

The show helps people to know common signs that someone might be thinking of committing suicide. Hannah Baker's warning signs included suffering from sexual abuse, making comments about feeling hopeless, making big physical changes, and putting affairs in order. These and many other warnings can usually be seen in people considering killing themselves.

13. It Promotes Forward Action.

Overall, the show makes viewer think about the affects of everyday actions. It doesn't hurt to be nice to everyone you meet, as you never know what they might be going through.

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