The popular netflix series 13 Reasons Why have had a lot of people talking wheter it's about how much they love it or how it opened their eyes on School bullying and suicide. Well this a letter to the people who watched the show and were bullies and mean to others and then suddenly cared more about suicide awareness. First off why did it take a depressing show to open your eyes on how bullying is a real issue in schools? Why did it open your eyes to say wow it's not okay to call that girl a whore, or it's not okay to make fun of the kid who doesn't have the nicest things, it's not okay to make fun of the person with a disability. I just don't get why it took a show for you to realize that bullying is a serious issue and when someone says they are suicidal it's not a joke. You always need to take that seriously, and you always need to look for signs so that maybe you can prevent them from committing suicide. Watching 13 Reasons Why and suddenly realizing what a serious problem school bullying is isn't an apology to the people you hurt in the past, and even if you did apologize that wouldn't remove the pain and bad memories from that person. Suicide is not a joke and bullying isn't a laughing matter.
Politics and ActivismMay 01, 2017
13 Reasons Why Should'nt Have Opened Your Eyes
Watching the show isn't an apology to the ones you hurt before