While the show "New Girl" isn't in my top ten favorite shows, it definitely makes the list of top 20. Because over all the show doesn't keep my interest, especially after *spoiler alert* Jess and Nick break up. But one character keeps me from changing the channel: Schmidt. He is probably the most ridiculous and great man on any TV series ever, but also the most in tune with what life is truly like. Somehow Schmidt understands what it is like to be a student in college who is just trying their best.
1. Sometimes you have to be your own biggest fan.
2. Pizza is bae.
3. Anyone younger than you is basically the most annoying human being on the planet.
4. Finding the perfect clothing store is like finding Nirvana.
5. Girls can be the craziest people ever.
6. Being alone sucks.
7. You are a mystery, even to yourself sometimes.
8. No one can tell you not to feel what you feel.
9. The weekend is the best part of your week.
10. Sometimes you have to put others first, because you love them.
11. Bullshitting is an art form you have mastered.
12. Everyone's childhood is a little messed up.
13. Friendship is weird.
Bonus: I feel like every college dorm, apartment or house needs a douche jar.
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