So everyone is aware of this new Netflix show called "13 Reasons Why". But why is it so popular? Let's break it down.
1. Everyone can relate to the hell that is High School
If you don't know what I'm talking about then you were probably part of the problem. High School is a social battle ground where it seems like only the popular kids come out unscathed. In this show you see everything that you would expect to see in High School. The egos, the backstabbing, the stress, and usually the parents who have no idea what's going on. Yup. We've all been there.
2. The struggle to turn it off or keep watching.
Admit it. You may be one of those people who, although yo want to turn it off, you just can't stop watching. This show isn't the easiest thing to watch - it confronts real issues, issues that almost all of us have seen first hand at one point in our lives.
3. Shit gets real.
It's been a while since there has been a Netflix show that actually gets to the point. There are times when you'll be watching and you'll say to yourself "oh shit...."
4. It's not just all about the girl
There are so many stories that will follow one character - that work so hard to build up this one character. That's not what happens here. There are quite a number of characters that are built up enough that people can relate to any number of them.
5, It's Raw
You know that emotion you feel when you suffer through something in your own life? Yeah that same emotion is in this show. Crazy to think about but excellent work on the directors part.
6. Lessons
The amount of lessons that someone can take from this show is unbelievable. Maybe now people will listen huh?
7. Friendships
This show will definitely show you that friendships can change. That's life. People change, and sometimes you just have to be okay with it.
8. It's Addicting
I doubt that this even has to be said - but like the majority of Netflix series, this will be one to binge watch.
9. Hard to Handle
Some of these scenes, especially if you are someone who has dealt with some of the real problems in this won't be easy to watch.
10. It Gets it Right
If you or a friend has ever dealt with raw feelings and emotions that eventually ended in some bad choices, this show is the one that finally explains it. People might ask, "well why would someone do that?" Bingo. Here it is. This is why someone would do that.
11. You Want More
Hand-in-hand with the addicting thing - this is a show that you will be waiting and waiting for the new season.
12. The Rush
Yup, this is that kind of show too.
13. It's just plain good
If all of those reasons aren't reason enough to watch this show, take it from your friends. This is a good one.