I am that crazy person who posts about essential oils all the time. I always tell my friends that "there is an oil for that!" The most common question I receive is "what's all the hype about anyway?" Here are my 13 reasons why Young Living essential oils changed my life.
1. They are pretty.
I am a sucker for pretty things, and these oils just speak to my soul. The diffuser is not something I ever feel like I need to hide, and I proudly display it alongside my oils. There's nothing ugly about these bottles of goodness and I love that!
2. They support your body.
Copaiba supports your body's natural response to injury or irritation; two things that are common in my life.
3. They smell like the spa.
With lavender, I get to bring the spa home with me. It's one of my favorite ways to unwind before bed because it smells amazing, and it calms me down after a long day.
4. They relieve occasional muscle soreness/tension.
Panaway is a god send after a day of hunching over a book studying. It makes for a tension relieving massage oil, and I could not love it more.
5. They support healthy digestion.
So I love ice cream but my body sure doesn't...enter Digize. This stuff does wonders for your tummy.
6. My face adores them.
This bad boy supports your skin, and you will not believe how much I glow after using it!
7. They taste yummy!
I love adding lemon to my water every morning. It is delicious. Who wouldn't want something yummy in their life every day? If it's delicious and good for your overall wellness, I say go for it!
8. They replace my air freshner.
I don't know about you, but sometimes my life is smelly. Smelly dog, smelly shoes, smelly air. I love to diffuse Purification in my living room to make the house smell clean and fresh again.
9. Stress away all day!
This stuff is a must have if you're a stressed out college kid like me. I seriously want to bathe in it. It smells so good, and even helps reduce nervous tension, as well as induce relaxation.
10. They help me focus.
Peppermint is the best way to get in some good study time. The smell helps promote focus and clarity, as well as support a healthy nervous system. Praise the Lord for this oil during those late night cram sessions.
11. Exercise inspiration.
I rub RC on my chest during exercise to uplift and inspire me. Who doesn't need that in their life when exercising?
12. They support a healthy immune system.
Thieves is pretty much the best for supporting healthy immune function, which makes me a huge fan.What college kid doesn't find themselves in need of this when the semester hits you hard? It also smells like Christmas, which is a bonus because I love Christmas.
13. Community.
I am part of a group called the Happy Oilers, We are a team, a group of friends and like minded people who are chasing after our dreams and after #alltheoils. We pursue health, but we can also appreciate the occasional junk food craving. We use essential oils for everything, but we totally get it if you're just dipping your toe in. We have private Facebook groups large and small that help ius support each other in huge ways. This happy oiler life is such a blessing!
There you have it my friends. These are just a few reasons why I love Young Living oils so much. There's a thousand more reasons but they simply wouldn't fit in one article. Everyday I am learning more about wellness, which is awesome because I am studying kinesiology, and I love it. These oils are changing my life, and I am so glad I could share with you why I love them so much.
**Any suggestions made in this listicle are very specific to Young Living essential oils. and should not be used with oils from another source. Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please do not stop.**