As a Drama Major in Fiorello H. LaGuardia, I was blessed with having a Juggling class. This class wasn't just for fun, it was an actual GRADED course so you could fail. I really knew I didn't stand a chance juggling three balls but after a bunch of practice, some Youtube videos and a late-night juggling montage, I finally got it and it was at 1:37 AM on a school night that I finally juggled the third ball and it felt freakin' AMAZING. This all happened Sophomore Year and now as an incoming college freshman, I learned how to do tricks, juggle rings and as of last week, juggle pins and I'm addicted! I've already promised three people at PACE that I would teach them and if you're attending there too HMU! Juggling is such a great, random skill that has so many benefits and just looks entertaining in general. Now here are seven reasons why you should learn how to juggle!
1. You Will Have Overcome The IMPOSSIBLE!
The whole point of my Drama program putting juggling in the curriculum was to show that we can achieve what we thought was impossible and that you can do what you put your mind to. When you finally do it, you'll feel unstoppable.
Through juggling, you'll get all your immature giggles of the word balls out from using and hearing it so often. A lot of the times my Drama teacher or tutorials on YouTube would say " It's ok! Balls drop! It's an essential part of juggling" or "you wanna hold your ballslike this." It had me for the first couple of weeks but now I'm immune to all the ball references.
3. "The Balls Will Drop!"
Adding off of #1, an essential part of learning to juggle is failing. Even professional jugglers drop their items but instead of whining or giving up they pick it back up and keep going. This is a thing that will help beyond juggling. Never giving up, picking yourself back up, and trying, again and again, is what learning to juggle is all about and it can be applied to so many other aspects of life.
4. It's A Skill That Requires No Money! It's IMPRESSIVE And FREEEEEEE!
Juggling is an amazing talent and it doesn't require a coach, $$$, or anything. All you need is yourself and three similar objects! Actual average juggling balls online are cheap, they're only around $5. But you don't even need that, you could practice with oranges, apples, or even get creative and make some yourself!
5. Gives You An Advantage!
Especially in the performing industry, finding work can be tough and it's highly competitive. Let's say a show is looking for someone to cast as the lead for a show. They narrowed it down to two twins, they both have the exact same resume except one has juggling on it... Hmmm... Juggling... No Juggling.... Juggling... No J-. There probably going to go with the one that can juggle. Although this is a bad example, many people have booked jobs in the industry (that had nothing to do with juggling) just because they knew how to juggle. It's a little perk!
6. You Can Flex Almost Anywhere!
Whether you're trying to impress family, friends, the public, your class, or a special one ;), your new juggling skills will come in handy. Once you learn the basics of juggling balls, you can juggle fruits at the grocery store, juggle peoples keys, and if you want to get risky, juggle people's cell phones (if they trust you enough).
It is also scientifically proven to be beneficial towards your health. (A lot of you guys are probably like "science" ughhh, but it's really neat actually. I'll make it quick.
7. It Saves Your Brain!
Juggling helps grow white and gray matter which aids in preventing deterioration of the strength of your brain as you grow... so that's always valid.
8. Coordination & Focus
People who play a lot of video games or sports may catch on to juggling faster because they have a good sense of hand-eye coordination. You will definitely improve coordination while learning to juggle and gain a better sense of focus.
9. It Can Stop Cravings!
This is something that I recently learned that surprise me greatly. Whether it be food or drug cravings, picking up juggling balls and just keeping your mind busy can actually lower the cravings felt at the moment.
10. Meditation
I'm a really active, jittery person so sometimes sitting still isn't the best meditation for me. Although I consider swimming my favorite form of meditation, juggling is definitely up there too. While juggling, you have a concentrated focus, you're focusing on the present and you're going through a repetitive cycle of actions.
11. Confidence
Besides learning how to juggle, your confidence and esteem may also rise due to the fact that you just became a little more unique. Unless you're around the Circus or go to my high school, it's very unlikely that a majority of your friends, family or even people know how to juggle and therefore you have set another difference that sticks you out in situations.
12. The Moment You Juggle The Third Ball...
I'm not joking at all, the MOMENT you successfully juggle that third ball after training with two, it feels so good. I've never had drugs before but I feel like this feeling is 10x better. I know after I worked to juggle three balls and finally did it, I was so excited and honestly, words can't describe how hype I was.
It's fun and it looks cool! Simple as that!
Hopefully, you are now inspired to pick up some balls and JUGGLE YOUR HEART OUT! If you need any tips or help let me know!!! Youtube is your best friend! You got this! Hope ya enjoyed!