13 Reasons Hufflepuff Is The Best House
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13 Reasons Hufflepuff Is The Best House

A guide to those who don't understand the power of a Hufflepuff.

13 Reasons Hufflepuff Is The Best House

Everyone puts down Hufflepuffs (if you have no idea what a Hufflepuff is then avert your eyes, Muggle), but honestly no one wants to secretly admit that no one could get by without one. So if you have been sorted into the Hufflepuff house, then congrats and don't be discouraged, but instead read this article and take pride in your house. For everyone else, take a note and recognize.

1. Hufflepuffs Are Loyal

They're that friend you can go to for ANYTHING and you know they won't judge you or breathe a word of it to anyone.

2. Hufflepuffs Are Hardworking

Hufflepuffs are those who have twenty things to do on their plate but will stop whatever they're doing to help a friend out. Unfortunately, the favor isn't always returned and they're left high and dry.

3. J.K. Rowling Is A Hufflepuff

Some say she does it so people will leave Hufflepuffs alone, but honestly, she's the epitome of a Hufflepuff if you research her. Plus she is the mother of what started it all.

4. Cedric Diggory

First off he's HELLA fine, and secondly, he competed in the Tri-Wizard tournament until Harry's name just had to pop out (such an attention whore).

5. We Are The Underdog

Because our founder, Helga Hufflepuff, said she would accept anyone into her house and our usually poor performance in the competition for the house cup, everyone underestimates us. We always strike when least expected and no one can touch us when it comes to herbology.

6. You Can Usually Find Us In The Kitchen

Not only is it because our dormitories are next to the kitchen, but we're also some damn good bakers. When we finish baking some cupcakes or tarts, somehow everyone wants to be our best friend.

7. We Have A Bond With Slytherin

Because we try to get to know the person and not the reputation that follows them, we have befriended Slytherin. Not many students in Hogwarts would be caught dead with a Hufflepuff and they tend to pick on us. But anytime there's a bully picking on us, there's a Slytherin around the corner plotting their revenge on the bully.

8. Wiz Khalifa Wrote Our Theme Song

Our house colors are black and yellow. There's a song Wiz Khalifa rapped called "Black and Yellow." Coincidence? I think not!

9. Nemphora Tonks

Nemphora Tonks, wife of Remus Lupin and mother of Teddy Lupin, is the most badass Hufflepuff you could meet. First off, she has metamorphic abilities, which means she can change her appearance without a polyjuice potion. Also, she opted out of being a prefect, because she didn't want to conform to society's ideals and had the courage to stay true to herself, which is how everyone should be.

10. We Are The Purest

We produced the fewest dark wizards, if any (looking at you, Slytherin).

11. We Are Rowling's Favorite People

She's announced numerous times that her favorite house is in fact Hufflepuff, " Hufflepuff is my favourite House. Here's my reasoning, bear with me. (Again, I don't want to spoil things too much for people who haven't read the whole series, so I'm going to say what I'm about to say quite carefully). There comes a point in the final book where each House has the choice whether or not torise to a certain challenge, and that's everyone in the House. The Slytherins, for reasons that are understandable, decide they'd rather not play. The Ravenclaws, some decide they will, some decide they won't. The Hufflepuffs, virtually to a person, stay, as do the Gryffindors. Now, the Gryffindors comprise a lot of foolhardy and show-offy people. You know, there's bravery, and there's also showboating, and sometimes the two go together. The Hufflepuffs stayed for a different reason; they weren't trying to show off, they weren't being reckless, that's the essence of Hufflepuff House. Now my oldest child said something very profound to me 'I think we should all want to be Hufflepuffs.' I can only say to you, that I would not be at all disappointed to be sorted into Hufflepuff House," she stated in Harry Potter: Beyond the Pages.

12. We're Known As The Stoners

We're known as the stoners of the houses. Honestly, it makes sense. We hang out in the kitchen, we have stellar skills in herbology, and the HUFF-le PUFF. I mean not everyone partakes, but it's a reputation we have.

13. Celebrity Hufflepuffs

Here's a list of sorted celebrities who have been sorted and are fellow Hufflepuffs.

Josh Hutcherson,Tom Hanks, Jimmy Fallon, Helen Mirren, Kristin Chenoweth, Emma Thompson, Jason Bateman, Katy Perry, Mindy Kaling, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sigourney Weaver, Ansel Elgort, Jack Black, Zach Galifianakis, Octavia Spencer, Alicia Silverstone, Zooey Deschanel, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ty Burrell, Carson Daly, Ron Howard, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Ben Affleck ,Halle Berry, Ariana Grande, Queen Latifah ,Paul Rudd, Jimmy Kimmel, Melissa McCarthy, Bob Marley, Drew Barrymore, Katie Holmes, Judy Greer, Carrie Underwood, and Kevin Jonas. Think about it... It makes sense.

So what I hope you take from this is that Hufflepuffs are badass. If you aren't a Hufflepuff and you pick on others who are, I pity you because there's no friend like a Hufflepuff. If you're a Hufflepuff: be strong and represent like I do every day with my house scarf! Also keep a Slytherin around just in case.

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