My uniform is honestly my best friend. I can wake up exactly 10 minutes before I have to leave, throw the outfit on, and head out of the door without worrying about what anyone else is thinking because we’re all wearing the same thing.
2. 10 Minute Wake-Up Call![]()
Because there are no guys there to impress, most of us roll out of bed, brush our teeth, go to the bathroom, and maybe wash our face before we leave. Everyone is going to school to learn. I can actually say that when a girl does come to school wearing makeup, we’re usually a little weirded out wondering where she has been or is going right after school.
3. No Drama!
Contrary to popular belief, I believe that girls aren’t as catty in an all girls school than a public school. The only drama we have going on is who changed lunch tables in the cafeteria.
4. Confidence Booster
You are able to freely express your opinions or ask stupid questions in classes without feeling shy. Many girls feel embarrassed to say certain things in front of the class because there are guys around, but when you’re surrounded by a ton of girls, who is there to be shy in front of?
5. Finding Your Best Friends
There are so many girls that you can almost always find the perfect group of friends. Granted, it may take a little while when you’re just a lil freshman, but when you do, you will make best friends that you will have fun with in and out of school.
6. Comfortable Discussing Anything. And I mean ANYTHING.
You can talk about things that can’t be discussed in public schools. For example, I performed a speech in front of my English class discussing why having bigger boobs is more work and less fun than having smaller boobs. I COULD NEVER do that in a public school because the guys would be immature, or the teachers could be uncomfortable listening to it. Also, you can always ask the girls at your table embarrassing body questions because no ones judging... and you always have to show what you're talking about.
7. No Guys are Listening
You can talk about guys ALL THE TIME. What they look like, how they dress, what they texted you last Saturday, etc. without anyone overhearing and telling the guy you’ve been so madly in love with since second grade.
8. More Dedicated to Achieving Your Goals
You’re more focused on grades and a getting into a really great college. When there is not a lot of drama and you are surrounded by a group of people that are constantly thinking about their future after high school, it gets you motivated to do the same.
9. What Popular Girls?
At least in my school, there are no “popular girls.” The entire class is made up of different people that get along with each other, and that’s whom they hang out with. Sometimes, the volleyball girls sit with each other while the theatre girls sit with each other, but most of the time, you’ll find a place with a group of girls you love. Sure, there are certain girls that are more known, but it’s not like people are striving to be in their “clique.”
10. You are Strictly Liked for Your Personality
If you have a nasty attitude, then you will hang out with other girls that have bad personalities because those are the only people you are going to find that will want to be friends with you. In most public schools, I find that most girls with bad attitudes end up being the “popular girls” because people think they’re cool, funny, and/or powerful.
11. You Don't Have to Shave. Like Ever.
No one cares what your leg hair looks like because they’re too busy worrying about their physicstest they’re going to take next week.12. Eating is Always a Good Time
You’re not afraid to eat in front of people at lunch. In fact, you’re friends will bring in snacks all the time so you’re eating constantly. This could be a good and a bad thing, so eat wisely!
13. Crazy Traditions Go Way Back...
Activities that were made years ago are still mandatory to do today. Whether it’s singing the school’s Alma Mater every week, going to the “Holly Day Dance” freshman year, or having a huge pep rally for Halloween, Spirit Week, etc. you have all these fun and hilarious things to do throughout the years.
An all girls school might not be appealing to some people. Some girls attend an all girls school, and then they transfer out because it wasn’t for them. That’s okay! I’m just saying that I’ve always been the girl to say that I would never go to an all girls private school, and I ended up loving it and meeting people I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let go of when college comes around. I also made memories I could've never made in a public school. My school has stressed me out to no end with the amount of work they give, but when I think about it in the long run, I think wouldn’t trade my school in for anything in the world.