Having naturally curly is great -until it isn't. No we don't wake up and instantly have beautiful beach waves.Sometimes we wake up and look like Mia before her makeover in Princess Diaries. It's a struggle when you walk outside in the rain after just spending 45 minutes straightening your hair just to have it ruined. But you certainly feel blessed beyond belief when you have those days where you wake up and your hair is looking flawless. One thing is for sure having these curly qs is both a both a blessing and a curse.
1. Curse: You never know what it's going to look like
2. Blessing: Sometimes times you can literally wake up and go
3. Curse: You have tried so many different hair products and none of them seem to work right
4. Blessing: You only need to comb it right before and right after your shower
5. Curse: Brushing out your hair is a tedious painful process
6. Blessing: You are in good company
Beyonce, pre Dunkirk Harry Styles, Zendaya, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Rhianna and so many more
7. Curse: Straightening your is a big deal and it takes forever
8. Blessing: You never have to spend time curling your hair
9. Curse: Flyaways are your worst enemy
10. Blessing: You can rock an updo
11. Curse: You run out of conditioner too fast
Is this too much? Nah....
12. Blessing: You always give off a natural, carefree vibe
13. Curse: Humidity is the arch nemesis
Though the high and the lows, curly hair is part of what makes you who you are. So I am here to wish you an amazing hair day, the perfect curly hair product you have been searching for, patience in times of combing through knots, and confidence in the times when your hair is looking less like Beyonce and alittle more like a rat has decided to nest on top of your head. Yes, there will be those days when you just want to rip your hair out, but on those days remember that it's your hair to rock through the frizz, knots, and flyaways.