13 Reasons Why Rooming With A Camp Friend In College Is The G.O.A.T | The Odyssey Online
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13 Reasons Why Rooming With A Camp Friend In College Is The G.O.A.T

Trust me, it will be the best decision you ever make.

13 Reasons Why Rooming With A Camp Friend In College Is The G.O.A.T

College is like camp, just without the counselors, so there is no better way of doing college than with a camp friend. From the age of eight, you've grown up together, you have seen each other at your best and worst moments; you've laughed until you've cried, watched each other make fools out of yourselves, and have told each other your life story. So these 13 reasons are why rooming with a camp friend is the best decision you will ever make going into college.

1. You have an automatic best friend going into college.

2. Everyone thinks that living space in a confined space with someone for a year is awful, but NBD—you've already shared a cabin with 42 other girls.

3. You knew each other at your peak awkward stage, and still manage to accept each other.

4. Zero judgment if you do something embarrassing... I mean, she's already probably seen you laugh so hard you've peed your pants.

5. Between the both of you, you have enough costumes to fill a costume store, so you are always set for theme parties.

6. You always have a partner in crime to sing with at the top of your lungs (and probably the wrong lyrics to the song).

7. She knows every single detail about your life from the age of 8, and will still bring it up to this day to embarrass you (more importantly, your middle school crushes).

8. Your clothes are her clothes and her clothes are your clothes.

9. You've both survived the camp outhouses, so communal bathrooms are nothing.

10. You don't have to cry your eyes out due to the thought of having to leave each other, because you wake up to their smiling face every morning.

11. Even though you are moving onto adult things, with her there is still a part of kid in you.

12. You've seen each other cry a billion times and know how to cheer each other up.

13. It doesn't matter if your stuff is all over the place, because at camp cabin cleanup never existed.

Camp and college are known for the places where you meet your best friends for life, so when you combine both, you are truly livin'.

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