Teachers change lives. Most people think it's an easy job, but those going to school to be a teacher know a very different story.
The amount of hoops you have to jump through to become a teacher are ridiculous but nobody really understands but those who have experienced it.
Here are 13 things you know to be true if you are an education major:
1. You actually have to go to class.
Education professors almost ALWAYS take roll and if you’re not there will penalize you because they want to prepare you for having to go to school everyday as a teacher.
2. Some education professors make you look somewhat presentable for class.
Or everyone in your class just automatically dresses like they’re going to start teaching automatically…. So much for the leggings and t-shirt trend.
3. You have to purchase liability insurance to pursue an Education major.
This is a bit nervewracking or is it just me?
4. You have hours and hours of field experience.
And by field experience I mean working for free.
5. Being told that the class you need won't be available for another semester.
But like... I need it now.
6. Knowing that when you graduate, you and 200 other people are going to be competing for the same job.
Have you seen the amount of education majors there are?
7. The kids, even the ones you interact with in your field experience, call you mom.
I’m still a kid. I definitely don’t have one.
8. Lesson planning is not as fun as you dreamed of it being.
It’s actually very frustrating and time consuming.
9. Pinterest makes being a teacher look like it’s just arts and crafts but it’s actually much more difficult than you would think.
Have you ever tried to teach a class of 20-30 students who all learn differently?
10. Budgeting yourself beyond belief so you can buy your CT the gift they deserve at the end of the year.
CT’s not only teach their classes, but they put in extra time (which most of them don’t have) to help you out also so they definitely deserve a nice gift.
11. Getting told “Wow you really don’t want to live the lavish life because teaching doesn’t make you any money.”
Okay, but we’re changing lives so who is the real winner here?
12. Never going out with your friends because you have to grade papers and be at the school by 7 am.
… and being mad when they drunk call you and tell you that you're lame.
13. Knowing that one day you will impact the lives of children in a way that no one else can.
And that, my friends, makes it all worthwhile.