This year I decided to set smaller goals that may not feel like much but will make a great difference in my life and, hopefully, my happiness. Smaller goals are much easier to accomplish, and it's always good to start off small. Goals can be set at any time during the year and don't need to be set on New Year's Day to have any chance at accomplishing them. Nevertheless, here are a few of my personal goals for 2020 that should be very attainable with a little bit of willpower.
Read a new book every month
I love reading but definitely don't get to do it as often as I'd like.
Drink more water and less sugary drinks
Iced tea is my weakness.
Find a new topic of interest to learn about
Knowledge is power.
Listen to more podcasts
Who doesn't love podcasts? Motivational podcasts, meaning of life podcasts, political podcasts, you name it.
Recite daily affirmations
Be kind to yourself, it can change your whole day.
Find a new hobby to relieve stress
I hope to give meditation or yoga a try to relieve some stress.
Journal more frequently
Writing in my journal only ever makes me feel better once I close the cover.
Do one thing at a time
I always pile way too much on my plate until I break. Knowing my limits is extremely important in preventing me from having breakdowns.
Limit the amount of time spent on my phone each day
Social media is truly a waste of time.
It calms the mind and promotes relaxation.
 Write more articles
Writing articles makes me happier!!!!
 Be more appreciative of what I have
Being a perfectionist makes it hard to stop and be thankful for what I do have.
 Slow down and enjoy the little things
When you're always on the go and moving on to what's next, you sometimes forget to slow down and enjoy the present.