"King of The Hill" is known as one of the most iconic animated television shows of all time. During its run, some of the show's most lovable characters such as Hank, Bobby, Luanne and Dale all said a few things that we millennials could relate to. Even though its last episode aired in 2009, it still remains pretty relevant to this day through the legacy of memes on social media. Let's take a look at some of the quotes that are pretty relatable for millennials.
1. “Dear Lord, I don't want to go back to college. So please, help me be sexy.” - Luanne
2. “I've recently learned to sleep with my eyes open. Man am I tired.” - Dale
3. “That boy ain't right” - Hank Hill
4. “I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!” - Hank Hill
5. “We’re out of cool whip?” - Bobby Hill
6. “It’s not a crutch dad, it's something I'm using to get through life!” - Bobby Hill
7. “Good thing I don't have terrible mind powers or else you would be in a thousand little pieces right now.” - Luanne
8. “You cannot make authentic guacamole out of lima beans and Ritz crackers.” - Peggy Hill
9. “I'm so depressed I can't even blink.” - Bill
10. “The people you are referring to are called hipsters, Hank. They walk slowly because they've got nowhere to be, man.” - Dale
11. “All I'll do is eat!” - Bobby Hill
12. “Are you uh…interested in pizza?” - Bobby
13. “Bwahhh!” - Hank Hill
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