13 Poems For Every College Girl With A Broken Heart | The Odyssey Online
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13 Poems For Every College Girl With A Broken Heart

"Who did that to you?"

13 Poems For Every College Girl With A Broken Heart
Wikipedia Commons

I wrote this collection of poems at a time when I was extremely sad, brokenhearted, torn apart, and depressed. They are angry, some are powerful, and many show the hate I have for the person who caused me all this pain.

But, what they truly show is development.

They show that throughout my whole time writing and documenting how I feel, I grew up. I learned to forgive, although I will never forget. In writing these scary, sad things, I learned how to become happier.

Every time I write about something, it helps to release the pain or tension I'm feeling from the situation. I love to write poems, even if some of them are a bit unorthodox.

I also feel like it was time for these to be seen. Mostly, because I do not feel this way anymore, but also because I know many people are going through things like this right now, and I know from experience, there was nothing on the internet like this to help me when I needed it.

Please enjoy these, and for those of you going through heartbreak, know that it gets better, and know that someone loves you.

When He Arrived

"Hues are saturated all throughout my very being.
You bring light to the hollow well inside me.
Galaxies emerge.
You put the stars in the sky, and the moon up above.
I never knew that I could feel this way, oh but I do…"

When He Left

"I love your freckles.
They look perfect.
They’re where only I can see them”, you said
But you’re gone now,
And at this point, they’re just dots on skin."

The Hurt

"Does the time of wholeheartedly aching end when you get older?
Or does it just sit there,
dwelling in the pit of your stomach?"

Feelings of Similarity

"The boy I loved wasn’t put together.
He wasn’t a positive, perky, socialite.
He was messy.
He was uncut and raw.
He was damaged.
He was a bit of a disaster, to be completely honest.
But so was I.
And that, that is why I loved him."

I Cannot Say Sorry

"I’m unapologetically sad.
I won't say sorry for my heart being broken."


"Yeah, I think about you sometimes.
Yeah, you’re the reason for some of my poetry.
And baby, one day my writings and I will be famous.
And it will all be because of you.
So, stick around and read them.
I know they’re good.
And I know it makes you mad.
I have so much more for you to be mad at.
Just be patient."


"Colors bursted out of my heart and soul when you came around.
My eyes glistened when I saw you smile.
My ears filled with the joy of your cheeky laughter
and I asked myself,
“Will it always be this way? Will I always fall into your chest like I am right now? Will you always be there to tell me that God made me this way, and that I should not be ashamed of what I look like?”
The answer is no.
I am now laying in bed,
Staring at the ceiling while I wipe my tears,
Hoping, praying that my heart will mend.
My ears have stopped ringing with joy,
My eyes have stopped glistening,
My heart and soul are grey.
You were the color.
Now you’re the space between the lines.
Where did you go?"

Army of One

"You try to rip me to pieces,
But you will not.
I was born to wreak havoc,
I was made to break barriers and defy the odds,
I was meant to cross boundaries and to destroy human aspects,
I continue to stand in the depths of chaos.
I am the eye of the storm.
If you challenge me, you will lose."

Attachment VS Detachment

"I cling to so many things.
It’s so obvious that i’m not happy.
Even when you’re holding me and kissing me.
I just don’t feel it.
I’m numb.
I breathe, but I don’t live.
I don’t know the reason I cling to things.
Maybe because it helps me feel less dead than I felt before."

I Am Not An Object To Be Used

"You only called me when you wanted to use me.
You wanted to rip my heart out of my chest and dangle it in front of me.
Some sick, twisted, morbid joke.
That’s what you wanted.
So you did it.
But the joke is on you.
Because I wanted you, too.
I wanted your time, energy, effort.
And I got it.
You wasted all of that stuff.
And for what? My heart?
Oh, darling…
It was gone way before you."

Beauty Is Fleeting

"You are the most incompetent human being I have ever come to know.
You are truly imbecilic and morbid.
You’re absolutely disgusting.
How does something look so beautiful,
but taste so bitter and sour?"


"It's okay to not be okay.
It’s okay to be fantastic.
It’s okay to be emotional.
It is OKAY to feel.
Don’t let anyone tell you that your emotions are inferior
or that you are not allowed to have them."

A Puzzle That Has Yet To Be Put Together

"Because I am a mess.
I am not a pleasant rainbow or a sunset people enjoy watching.
I am an ungly storm that never stops raining.
I am constantly thundering with a bit of hail.
I am not a calm wave,
I am a raging sea with violent currents and a vicious undertow.
I am not grey.
I am either black or white.
Nothing in between.
I don't know what meeting in the middle is.
I never have."

This is a collection of heartbreak poems, but view them however you must for them to fit the situation you may be in. As for this situation, it is over, and I am better. I would not be better if it wasn't for my writing, and it's because of my writing that I was able to overcome my depression.

Write fearfully, write happily, and write sadly. You will create some amazing things through the act of heartbreak, and these are just a few that I have decided to put on display.

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