Take a break from studying or paper writing to look at these adorable dog pictures. It will help, trust me on this.
1. *me hiding from my responsibilities*

2. I mean. Just look at this dog's face.

Don't you feel calmer already?
3. No explanation necessary.

4. Cannot. Handle. The. Cuteness.

So small. So much fluff.
5. Nothing else matters except for this extremely happy dog.

6. How I'm trying to be immediately after finals are over:

7. Actual photo of my brain rn.

8. No words for this precious angel. No words.

9. They're not only wearing Mickey ears, but also POSING WITH PLUTO. I'm done.

10. Protect this angel at all costs.

11. So pure.

12. Look at these BFFs.

13. I am aware these are not dogs but I had to include them for obvious reasons.

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