As someone who has struggled with serious anxiety for their whole life, I've run across multiple scenarios that really grind my gears. I've had to put up with countless psychiatrists, prescriptions, side effects, breakdowns, and panic attacks, as have thousands of others dealing with anxiety disorders. One thing we SHOULDN'T have to put up with are inconsiderate comments from those who simply don't get it.
No, it's certainly not your fault. Because hey, how would you know if you haven't experienced it? Of course, you have good intentions. Anxiety is something so complex that it's impossible to really understand unless you've gone through it first hand. But I'm 99.9% sure that anyone reading this article knows someone with anxiety or OCD, so here are a few pointers on what we hear all the time and just wish we hadn't...
1. "OMG, you have a therapist? What, are you crazy or something?"
No, I'm not. Some things I just really can't handle on my own and honestly it's a blessing to be able to talk about what I deal with to someone who won't judge me. To be honest, therapists are the sh**. They help you through your problems and let you vent to them for an hour while you get to eat mints in an air-conditioned room. It's like a life coach!
2. "I literally had a panic attack at this math test today. Like, WTF was question 2?"
I know that this math test was insanely hard, but I can tell you 100% that you did not have a panic attack. A panic attack for me feels like someone is wrapping me up in plastic wrap, slowly suffocating. Or like I'm slowly losing control and no one can help me get out of my mind. It is one the scariest things I have ever experienced, and I really really don't appreciate people joking about it.
3. "It's just in your head."
It's not. It might seem like it, but I promise you it's not. Anxiety is real and it sucks.
4. "Get over it! You're being ridiculous and irrational."
I have been told this many times, especially in regards to my fear of planes and elevators and when I was younger, movie theaters. I know that on the outside my phobias might seem stupid and a complete exaggeration, but to me they are terrifying. No matter how many times you try to tell me it's an unwarranted fear, it can't change my mind.
5. "You can't stay on meds forever."
I am aware! Anxiety medicine has helped me through so many scenarios in which I would have lost it. I don't want to be dependent on it forever, but let me take my time developing the tools to deal with my problems. Don't shame me for needing help to give me a boost.
6. "You're no fun."
This cuts my heart in two. There have been so many times that I desperately want to go on that roller coaster with my friends but I can't because I've had panic attacks on it before. There have been so many times that I desperately want to go to that escape room attraction uptown but I can't because I'm terrified of small spaces. I'm truly sorry I can't do everything that I wish I could.
7. "You're just out of breath. It's not a panic attack -- are those even real? Get back out there."
This is specific to all my fellow athletes or performers. As a track and XC runner, I've experienced numerous races where I've had a panic attack and had to drop out. When I don't finish, I already feel so incredibly crappy about myself that I don't need my coaches to remind me how disappointed they are in me. Or even worse -- have my coaches not believe me and just think I'm being a wimp.
8. "It's just an excuse."
Trust me, I could come up with wayyy better excuses than having a mental illness. Do you want me to call my psychiatrist and have him explain to you that anxiety is a legit thing?
9. "When are you going to be cured?"
You can't "cure" anxiety, just like you can't cure depression, OCD, bipolar disorder, or anything else along those lines. We will have to deal with this our whole lives.
10. "God, you're so exhausting to deal with!"
Anxiety is super hard on those around you because 1) they don't always know what to do and 2) you really can be exhausting for them, especially worrying all the time. On the other hand, though, imagine what it's like to actually have this problem in our minds 24/7. It's exhausting for us, too, so please don't rub it in that you can't deal with us right now.
11. "Why do you overthink everything?"
This is something that typically comes from friends or significant others. I personally have a lot of problems with immediately jumping to worst case scenarios, so I tend to panic when faced with someone not answering or someone acting odd. It can put a ton of stress on relationships, so please be patient with us. I promise I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but it's hard.
12. "You'll grow out of it."
Yeahhh... I don't think that's how mental illnesses work. Many people, both old AND young deal with anxiety. Unfortunately, it's not something that necessarily gets better with age -- although maturity can definitely help in dealing with it.
13. "Don't worry!"
I think this one speaks for itself.
To sum it up?
Anxiety is a real thing. Be considerate.