With all the classic episodes of Spongebob, it's easy to forget some moments. Here are 13 random quotes from Spongebob taken completely out of context.
1. "When in doubt, pinky out."
2. "If I had a dollar for every brain you don't have, I'd have one dollar."
3. "I am confident in my abilities to successfully succeed."
4. "Do you how do?"
5. "So you mean to say they've taken what we thought we think and make us think we thought our thoughts we've been thinking our thoughts we think we thought? I think..."
6. "Are you on some new allergy medication, boy?"
7. "You broke my heart. Now I'm gonna break something of yours."
8. "Is all that true? Even the part about the lima beans and the car chase?"
9. "Get a dog little longy."
10. "Airline food? My God what is up with that stuff?"
11. "You'll always let people step all over you. You're just like stairs."
12. "My sandwich is a fried boot."
13. "Mother of pearl. Fire on the poop deck."
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