13 Non-Scary Halloween Movies For This Spooky Season | The Odyssey Online
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13 Non-Scary Halloween Movies For This Spooky Season

Scary movies aren't for everyone! Here's a list of classics that you can enjoy, even with the lights turned off.

13 Non-Scary Halloween Movies For This Spooky Season

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Hey, scary movies aren't for everyone. Not everyone wants to sit down with popcorn and a blanket to watch a scary, gory, suspenseful, thrilling, horror flick. Some of us actually want to be able to sleep at night. So here's thirteen non-scary movies to enjoy this spooky season.

Hocus Pocus (1993)

After exploring an abandoned house in Salem, MA, teenager Max, his little sister Dani, and their friend Allison accidentally unleash a coven of witches. The three kids must work together with a magic cat to stop the witches from becoming immortal.

Dark Shadows (2012)

A melodramatic comedy by Tim Burton that follows the trials and tribulations of a vampire named Barnabas Collins. After he emerges from spending 200 years trapped in a coffin, he returns to his family mansion in Maine.

Zombieland (2009)

When a virus turns most the world into zombies. four survivors turned unlikely friends combine their survival skills and appreciation for cardio to find a rumored safe haven in LA.

Little Shop of Horrors (1986)

This shamefully underrated musical focuses on Seymour, who works at a flower shop, pining after his co-worker Audrey. Featuring songs that will be stuck in your head for days and carnivorous plants, Seymour must find a way to satisfy Audrey II, the plant that feeds on people.

Labyrinth (1986)

Starring David Bowie and directed by Jim Henson, a girl must save her little brother from a world of her own imagination.

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

This critically acclaimed comedy is about ordinary, boring guy Shaun having to rise to the occasion to protect his mother and girlfriend when his town becomes overrun by zombies.

Coraline (2009)


A young girl named Coraline finds a secret door in her new home that leads her to an alternate world that seems better than her own world. But the Other World and Coraline's Other Mother are not everything that they seem.

Beetlejuice (1988)

After Barbara and Adam Maitland die in a car accident, they are stuck with haunting their house, even after the horrible Deetzes move in. In the Maitland's effort to scare away this new family, they gain the friendship of the Deetz's daughter Lydia, and the 'help' of troublemaking spirit Beetlejuice.

Warm Bodies (2013)

This adorable halloween romantic comedy is about an unusual zombie named R falling in love with living girl, Julie.

Corpse Bride (2005)

Corpse Bride - 2005

Victor accidentally marries a corpse bride named Emily, forcing him to decide between his newfound wife, or his former fiancé, Victoria.

ParaNorman (2012)

Norman can talk to the dead - and usually prefers them to the living. But he must summon his courage to stop a centuries long witch's curse from destroying his town.

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

King of Halloween Town, Jack Skellington, finds himself in Christmas Town. He decides to kidnap Santa and try to take over the holiday with his creepy presents and skeletal reindeer.

The Addams Family (1991)

When a man claims to be Gomez's missing brother Fester, the family is overjoyed. But soon, Gomez's wife Morticia suspects him to be a fraud. They're creepy and they're kooky, and they're all together ooky.

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