13 Moments That Sum Up the 2016 Election | The Odyssey Online
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13 Moments That Sum Up the 2016 Election

With emotions running high, we can all agree that we have encountered these moments at least once throughout the 2016 election.

13 Moments That Sum Up the 2016 Election

The election of 2016 came to a close this past Tuesday. Some are elated, others are devastated. But one thing we can all agree on is that there was more humor in this election than we have seen in decades. Americans chose between two outspoken, filter-less candidates whose controversial baggage almost required comic relief simply to keep us all sane. The copious amount of information to take in has been overwhelming and, quite frankly, frustrating. No matter which side of the political realm you stand on, I am certain there are a few moments we all encountered throughout this painful process.

1. When you realize this is the perfect opportunity to showcase your dank meme skills.

It's too perfect not to let off political steam through pictures with passive-aggressive comments slapped on them.

2. Hillary supporters be like...

One of the guarantees of being passionate is that you wear your emotions on your sleeve...and your face.

3. Trump supporters be like...

Another guarantee of being passionate is that you take any chance you can get to find creative ways to reach the younger generation. Unfortunately, this game's sensation died almost as quickly as a clean 2016 presidential campaign.

4. Why can't it be a surprise?

Remember the days when it was a personal, private decision about who to vote for? Those were the days people seemed to get along. Imagine that...

5. When Democrats and Republicans were hungry for that nomination, it was super entertaining.

Popcorn? Check. Wine? Check Check. Sanity? ......

6. And so it began after debate #1

Just when you thought your "friends" were calm, collected, stand-up Americans and you looked forward to a cordial political conversation...

7. As time went on and tensions ran high:

We get it. You love [insert candidate here], now move along.

8. Your social media "weed-eating" took care of itself. Chances are, it still is.

I mean, who is really losing here? Bless their hearts, those little keyboard warriors.

9. Let's take a moment to honor the Bush that never made it...and we forgot about.

Apparently raising $120 million doesn't buy an applause for your policies. Poor Jeb.

10. When you tried to decide if it's even worth it. Don't worry, about half the nation decided it wasn't.

Hey, your right is your right.

11. The newest Meme Queen: Melania Trump

The international supermodel stirred up a sensation when her speech was questionably not her own words. Ever since the internet has claimed Melania as the new Meme Queen. And it's hilarious.

12. Contemplating whether this is an actual thing

He's already a God, so why not POTUS? Seems legit.

13. And finally, writing your own speech for when you run for POTUS, since you could do a way better job

Vote for me. I have sick dance moves and can eat a whole pizza.

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