"Young people can't make a difference? Over a dozen Declaration signers were under 35 years old. Let that sink in. It's time to lead." Cliff Maloney Jr.
These are only thirteen, but there are many more millennials standing up for truth and justice, for life and liberty, and for common sense in the United States today. Jump on Twitter and follow them so you can be part of the liberty revolution. We can all find common ground no matter which 'side' of the political spectrum you fall on. It's up to our generation to make a difference and enact the right kind of change!
In no particular order:
1. @benshapiro, Ben Shapiro - California
EIC DailyWire.com, syndicated columnist, host of The Ben Shapiro Show and The Morning Answer, National Review, NYT bestseller
2. @LibertyBrit, Brittany Pounders - Texas
Founder @LibertyJuice, Columnist, Believer, Conservative, wife, mom to 3 of finest little people in the world!
3. @AbbyJohnson, Abby Johnson - Texas
Planned Parenthood Director turned Pro-Life Advocate! abbyjohnson.org
4. @ChapmanGOP, Ben Chapman - California
Outspoken young conservative, millennial, gay, marketing, political blogger, activist. contributor for @GOP_Thinker
5. @LawrenceBJones3, Lawrence Jones - Texas
Saved by Jesus. Texan. Private Investigator. Radio Host. Host on @TheBlaze TV. I tell stories.
6. @JulieBorowski, Julie Borowski - Washington D.C.
Political commentator. YouTube person. Animal lover.
7. @AP4LP, Austin Petersen - Missouri
Former Libertarian Party candidate for President of the United States in 2016. Pro Liberty, Pro Life, Pro Constitution.
8. LibertyClif, Cliff Maloney Jr. - Washington D.C.
@YALiberty Executive Director/President. Blessed to have the opportunity to work day and night for the principles of liberty.
9. @politicalelle, Erielle Davidson - California
Econ research at the @HooverInst. Contributor @TownHallCom. Conservative. Russian speaker. Pro-@Israel Jew. Opinions are my own & not Hoover's. Thank you vets!
10. @KristanHawkins, Kristan Hawkins - Minnesota
President of Students for Life of America, Abortion Abolitionist
11. @CraigRBrittain, Craig R. Brittain - Arizona
Based CEO. @Dryvyng, @AuditTheMedia. #TaxationIsTheft. #AbolishTheState. #RIPHarambe. Exit the American Union
12. @LawgicaLA, Luis Angeles - California
President of @APGNation | Family Man | Musician | Jesus Saved Me | @HaloNationNetâ„¢ | Future Congressman | Ron/Rand Paul Supporter. Founder of LibertyBuzz.us
13. @scrowder, Steven Crowder - Unknown
LouderWithCrowder.com for podcasts, videos and free stuff. Comedian, American.
And not that I'm special but follow me on Twitter too!
14. @RichRagamuffin, Richie M. Castaldo - Oklahoma
Husband, daddy, pastor, constitutional conservative, definitely a ragamuffin, bit of a freak, loving Jesus & sharing truth. Founder of grandlakelife.church and Oklahoma For Liberty.