We're 9 weeks in and each and every student is about to lose their cool. Whether you're being bombarded by term papers, that you waited until the last second to do, or preparing to take test after test, you probably hate this point in the semester just as much as I do. Here are 13 thoughts that you can probably relate to, all too well.
Bless your heart.
- This semester is never going to end…
- Why do professors think all of their papers should be due on the same day?
- I wish I didn’t complain about my high school workload. I didn't know what the real struggle felt like.
- Look at all these freshman still excited about life. They haven’t started hating their majors yet.
- I can’t drop my major now...I’m in too deep and I’m not good at anything else.
- Is it too late to drop a class?
- Will law schools really hate me if I have a couple of “W”’s on my transcript?
- Why is the boy in my 11am stealing my seat? It’s the 9th week of class for God’s sake.
- Who thought it was a good idea to go to college? I could’ve been one of those traveling, YouTube stars that make money off of page views.
- Do they make money off of page views? How do they really make money? Is it too late to start?
- If Trump doesn’t need any real field experience, neither do I.
- How many more skip days do I have left?
- Buckle down. Focus. GET THIS DEGREE.