13 Meals My Sorority Chef Makes Better Than My Mom | The Odyssey Online
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13 Meals My Sorority Chef Makes Better Than My Mom

Shoutout to Chef Chris and Chef Tony for taking care of us.

13 Meals My Sorority Chef Makes Better Than My Mom
Kristin Kuehn

There are lots of exciting pros to living in your sorority house. With the combination of a fun atmosphere plus 50 or so of your closest friends, it's basically a slumber party every night.

However, one fancy concept that is really exciting, but a little nerve-wracking, is having a chef making all your meals. Since there are horror stories out there, after being spoiled with unlimited options it might seem like a scary jump from a campus meal plan to putting all of your trust in one or two people. For myself, I'm as picky as it gets so I was wondering how things would turn out. (First world problems, am I right?)

Luckily, in my sorority house we've been blessed with the best by Chef Chris and Chef Tony. Here's a few of the amazing meals they've made for us over the past two semesters.

1. Grilled Pimento Cheese Sandwiches

Our chefs love to put twists on classic dishes. This one was delicious as well as photogenic.

2. Chicken Cordon Bleu Wraps with Sweet Potato Fries

Whenever we aren't able to make it back in time for a meal, we can request late plates. Who knew food in a to-go box could look so good?

3. Flatbread (or Regular) Pizza

When we have pizza, we have three or four options. Between mouthwatering choices such as buffalo chicken, pepperoni, and white tomato-basil, everyone is usually pleased.

4. Chicken 'n Waffles

Still to this day I'm not sure I've had tastier chicken than I did this evening. In addition to regular syrup we had jalapeño syrup for an extra kick!

5. Eggs Cooked to Order

On Fridays, those who get up early enough to make it to breakfast can have eggs any style they want. Whether it's an omelette, scrambled with cheese, over easy, fried, or even poached, our chefs can do it all!

6. Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

When it started to get cold outside, we were greeted with delicious soups to warm us back up from our walk home from class. This classic pairing had us all running to get to the dining room.

7. Grilled Salmon Puff Pastry with Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Sweet Potato Soufflé

Before this year, had someone given me this description for a meal I would've cringed a little bit. However, this meal was as good as it looked.

8. Burger Bar

The salad bar was available every day, but on some days we'd have the option of customizing our own burger, sub, or panini with an array of toppings that could please even the pickiest of eaters. (Hint: If you're like me and prefer grilled chicken sandwiches to burgers, you can use the chicken off the salad bar!)

9. Salmon with Cous Cous and Asparagus

Doesn't cous cous sound fun? It's a favorite in the house that most of us hadn't tried until this year.

10. Salmon Cakes with Wild Rice

I don't know many people that are capable of making salmon cakes, but it was a breeze for Chef Chris. We had a "cravings lists" that we were allowed to write anything on, and if he could do it he would try to work it into the schedule.

11. Parmesan Crusted Chicken, Sautéed Spinach, and Spaghetti Squash

This was one of the meals that was completely inspired by our "cravings list" we filled out every week, and it did not disappoint.

12. Breakfast Bar

A picture can't do it justice but for those that never could wake up in time for Chef Chris' amazing breakfast, this night was a blessing.


Here's just two of the many scrumptious desserts we've had this year. The Zucchini cupcakes were a personal favorite of mine.

If a picky eater like me can be happy, you will be too!

However, no one is ever going to top my mama's spaghetti.

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