13 Lush Products You Need In Your Life
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13 Lush Products You Need In Your Life

Bath bombs... Bath bombs everywhere...

13 Lush Products You Need In Your Life

We need to take a second to appreciate the glory that is Lush Cosmetics.

Look at this unparalleled beauty filled with swirling colors and mounds of glitter!

Going into Lush for the first time or looking on the website can be overwhelming. There are so many varieties of products— even some that you've never even heard of (what even is a shower jelly or a bath crumble?!)

To help with navigating through the endless sea of sweet-smelling and skin-loving ingredients, I'm giving you my top 13 favorite products! It was so hard to narrow down my selections because literally everything that Lush sells is incredible, but here we go!

1. Happy Hippy Shower Gel

It's summer in a bottle! The citrus does wonders for my mood— it's so fresh and uplifting. Plus, Lush's shower gels, no matter the scent, foam up and get so bubbly!

2. Twilight Shower Jelly

Just look at it! The colors are so mesmerizing and the texture is like nothing else on the market! The best way to describe it is Jell-O that lathers.

3. Sex Bomb Bath Bomb

The rose scent puts me in such a deep trance of relaxation that I (almost) don't notice the pretty purple-pink tint it gives the water.

4. Sparkly Toothy Tabs

What?? Toothpaste in solid form? You're crazy! Yes, I am crazy, but these are legitimate! You crush them with your two front teeth and it foams when it meets your wet toothbrush! It's the weirdest but cleanest sensation you'll have. Plus, the lemon-black pepper flavor is a nice change from the typical minty freshness.

5. Cup o' Coffee Face Mask

It's gritty enough to get the job done, but not too abrasive where it completely strips your skin. The coffee grounds are also biodegradable, making it environmentally friendly! It also smells like coffee, who doesn't want that?

6. Ocean Salt Face and Body Scrub

This scrub uses actual salt crystals to scrub off dead skin! It also makes you smell like you came from the beach, so you can have a little bit of summer with you wherever you go!

7. Sea Vegetable Soap

This smells like the ocean (in the best possible way!) The combination of lime, lavender and seaweed sounds odd at first, but energizes your senses and makes your skin feel so clean!

8. Maypole Soap

Imagine you're in the middle of Candyland: that's Maypole! It reminds me of a watermelon but smells like peppermint! I love using this soap for shaving my legs because it's so bubbly.

9. Dream Cream Hand and Body Lotion

This doesn't have much of a scent, which is great for those who don't want to smell like a walking perfume shop. It's super moisturizing but doesn't make my hands or body feel greasy.

10. Volcano Foot Mask

If you have sore, tired, and overall gross feet, this is a godsend! It refreshes and softens your feet while also ridding it of dead skin. The smell isn't too unpleasant, but the only downfall is the application process, as it can get messy.

11. Intergalactic Bath Bomb

There's not much to say here— It smells amazing and the bright colors look SO cool.

12. Yuzu and Coco Bubbleroon

It's a bubble bar! You crumble it over running water and mounds of bubble begin to sprout! I love the rich scent of Yuzu and Coco! It's like sinking yourself into a pile of melted chocolate.

13. Razzle Dazzle Luxury Bath Oil

The scent of this vibrant pink bath oil is so intoxicating and so strong! It moisturizes my skin without leaving an oily film on the surface. There are little sparkles in it too, which is just so pretty.

Happy bathing!

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