13 Life Lessons I've Learned Through Taylor Swift Lyrics | The Odyssey Online
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13 Life Lessons I've Learned Through Taylor Swift Lyrics

Thanks for the wisdom, Tay.

13 Life Lessons I've Learned Through Taylor Swift Lyrics

1. You can have more than one great love.
Contrary to Charlotte York’s "two great loves" rule from "Sex and the City," Taylor Swift has shown us that the loves we have in a lifetime may be infinite. And this isn’t a bad thing. If things aren’t right, they aren’t right. We can’t force love or make it feel perfect.
Lyric in mind: "Nothing lasts forever, but this is getting good now." (Wildest Dreams)

2. Daydreaming is okay.
Maybe your life isn’t perfect. More understandably, your love life may not be perfect. The song “Stay Stay Stay” is actually just a daydream Taylor had about a perfect relationship. So, if you and BAE are having some problems, relax and daydream that it’s perfect for a second (preferably while listening to this song)
Lyric in mind: “All those times that you didn’t leave it's been occurring to me I’d like to hang out with you for my whole life” (Stay Stay Stay)

3. Time goes by really fast.
Do you remember being a little kid and playing with your siblings? Maybe it was Barbie with your sister or a dance party in the kitchen with your cousins. Those memories are quickly fleeting and we're growing up faster than we ever imagined we would.
Lyric in mind: “I just realized everything I had is someday gonna be gone” (Never Grow Up)

4. You’ll ruin your life trying to fix everything.
Stop chasing problems, and let it be. We hear it often, but everything happens for a reason. Embrace the present, and don’t let your problems ruin you.
Lyric in mind: “He said look at you worrying too much about things you can’t change, you’ll spend your whole life singing the blues if you keep thinking that way” (Starlight)

5. There’s a point when you have to stop picking up.
This is about the person that walks all over you. Better yet, the person you LET walk all over you. In her heartbreaking ode to John Mayer, Tay reminds us that we don’t have to keep these people around. If they make you feel more bad than good, get rid of them.

[Chilling] Lyric in mind: “But I took your matches before fire could catch me, so don’t look now.” (Dear John)

6. My mom is my best friend.
“The Best Day” is a song that makes me and my mother cry equally. Whenever I listen to it, I think of the bond a mother and daughter share, and I think about how lucky I am to know this bond. Moms are our very own superheros and should be treated as such, even during our teenage moody days.
Lyric in mind: “And I love you for giving me your eyes, staying back and watching me shine” (The Best Day)

7. You know literally nothing at 15 (and the rest of your teenage years).
At 15, I actually thought I would marry the guy I was “talking to.” Five years later, and much much wiser, I laugh at my 15-year-old self because of how naive I was. At 15, we don’t see the bigger picture, and it’s important to remember the bright future of opportunity ahead of us.
Lyric in mind: “Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday, but I realized some bigger dreams of mine” (Fifteen).

8. Other people can ruin your relationship, but you can’t let them.
Tay calls them “vultures,” but it is inevitable that outside forces will influence your relationship. It’s always important to stay grounded and remember the meaning of your relationship and why you’re in it.

Lyric in mind: “They take their shots, we’re bulletproof, and you know for me it’s always you” (I Know Places)

9. Memories will actually fade.
At the end of a bad relationship, you always remember the good things, and it’s sometimes heartbreaking. You think you’ll never forget this person, and sometimes you don’t. But most of those memories will fade, and life goes on just as it was.

Lyric in mind: “And by morning, gone was any trace of you I think I am finally clean.” (Clean)

10. SPEAK UP when things aren’t going your way.
Don’t be the quiet girl in the corner that doesn’t let people know what she’s feeling. Whether the guy you love is about to marry the wrong person or you got stuck with the sh*tty room in your house, always let your voice be heard.
Lyric in mind: “I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on your white veil occasion, but you are not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl” (Speak Now)

11. Don’t give an ex the time of day.
This is the ex that crosses your mind sometimes. The ex that things ended badly with every time you tried to make it work again ... and again. Don’t call, don’t text, don’t Insta stalk me … we are never getting back together, like ever.
Lyric in mind: "We are never, ever, ever getting back together" (We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together)

12. You can’t turn someone into the person you want them to be.
The age-old tale: girl meets boy, girl likes idea of boy, but wants to change certain things about him. It doesn’t work this way, and this will probably blow up in your face if you try to change someone according to your taste. We can't make the bad boys good, even though we’ve all tried.
Lyric in mind: “And he’s long gone when he’s next to me, and I realize the blame is on me.” (I Knew You Were Trouble)

13. No matter how bad a day you’re having, every problem can be “shaken off” for 3 minutes and 39 seconds.
Always remember, the haters are always gonna hate and the players will never stop playing you. Fortunately, Tay teaches us to shake off the bad vibes and focus on the good. So if you haven’t blasted “Shake It Off” after a bad day, you’re dealing with your problems the wrong way.

Lyric in mind: the whole song, duh. (Shake It Off)

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