1. Nothing good happens after 2 am
If you get a 2 am text, go home. You’ll regret whatever you do.
2. Get out of the house, go outside, get a bagel
Every day you walk out your front door could be the day your life changes forever. Don’t sit at home and wait around for something to happen, go and make something happen.
3. Some people are worth a lot of work to keep around
There are certain people in this world that you never want to not have them in your life. Sometimes working just a little bit harder to mend a fight or go out of your way to see them is worth it to never be without them.
4. Don’t chase after what doesn’t work. Let the universe take over
Even though some people are worth the work to keep around, you have to recognize when to give up. Relationships are a two-way street. If there is absolutely nothing being reciprocated in a relationship or friendship after doing everything in your power, letting go is not always a bad option. If they want you in their life, they will do something about it.
5. The most important people in your life are the ones you can picture sitting on a porch with
Don’t keep people around who are going to make your life hell and put you down. You want people in your life who you love unconditionally and who won’t cheat at poker when you’re on your porch.
6. The naked man works two out three times
7. You won’t find love by constantly looking for it
Don’t go out searching for something, because you’ll pick the first thing that is offered to you, and it may not always be the best option. Waiting for something sucks, but think how rewarding it’ll be in the end. As cliche as it sounds, love happens when you least expect it.
8. Sometimes, even though you know something’s a mistake, you got to make it anyway
Either it’ll go your way, or you’ll know better next time.
9. Your friends become your family
Blood relation or not, your kids are going to refer to your best friends as their aunt or uncle. You will also care about your friends as if they were your true siblings, and your parents even will treat your friends as part of the family.
10. Whenever I’m sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead
It’s okay to be sad about something that has happened. But remember nothing is going to change if you wallow in your sadness. If you’re sad about something, go and change it. If you’re sad about a class grade, go find better resources on how and what to study. If you’re sad about a break-up, go hang out with your best friend or go do something you love to do, for me that would be play soccer. Awesome doesn’t mean going skydiving, bungee jumping, or discovering the cure to cancer; awesome is whatever you make it.
11. Revenge fantasies never work out the way you want
We all have those people that we wish if we saw again we could brutally say our feelings too, or slap them, or pull a horrendous prank like putting Nair in their shampoo bottle. But those fantasies never go according to plan; you get lost in your words, they dodge your slap, or their house alarm goes off before you reach the shampoo. It’ll always be more rewarding to swallow your pride and be the bigger person.
12. You can’t just skip ahead to where you think your life should be
Don’t rush into things that are not supposed to be rushed into. I’m sure we all have wished at some point that right then we were thirty years old, married, successful, and loving life. You don't want to skip all the details of your life. Go watch 13 going on 30 and get back to me.
13. In the end, you’ll know which people really love you. They’re the ones who see you for who you are and no matter what, always find a way to be at your side
Keep the people around who will bring you soup when you're sick, who will restock your fridge with 100 ketchup bottles after they only break one, who will miss their flight to decorate your apartment when you’re feeling sad, who will go to the doctor with you, who never ask for that one dollar back because it’s just a dollar, who will agree to your ridiculous bets, and who you know will never judge you for the good, the bad, and the ugly. Those are the people you want in your life forever.