College students' number one priority is to learn and get a degree (well at least should be). I’ve been at college for about a month now. While I’ve had enough calculus and chemistry stuffed in my brain the past few weeks that I wonder how it hasn’t exploded, I’ve learned so many important lessons to help me survive the next few years. Hopefully, it might help this year’s high school seniors to have a smoother transition next year. Or maybe my fellow freshmen can just laugh at themselves while reading this because they remember the pain they were in before they knew all this.
1. Having Food in Your Dorm Is Essential
2. Never, Ever Take a Class Before 10 AM
I always got this warning last year, but since the first requirement of my major was at 9 AM, I didn’t have a choice. The amount of times I’ve come in late for that class is depressing.3. Try to Sleep For At Least Four Hours Each Night
If you sleep any less than this, the next day is going to feel like death. The worst feeling is when you are nodding off right in front of your professor.
4. Don't Wait Until the Night To Start The Homework
The homework you get at college is way more difficult than high school (unless you were that person that took like a gazillion APs). You can’t do it all in one night unless you want to stretch into all nighter territory.
5. Go to the Dining Hall Either Really Early or Really Late
I use to go at 6:30 for dinner, which is when all the sports teams are coming in after practice. Then, I went at 4:30 once. I was enlightened.
6. Expect to See a Lot of Drunk People (Especially on Friday and Saturday Nights)
Especially if you want to get food late at night. All you are going to see is people stumbling everywhere.
7. Freshman 15 is Too Real
They should change it to freshmen 500 at the rate I’m going right now. There is so much food available here and at the dining hall. It’s hard to tell yourself that you have to stop unless you want to gain 50 pounds by the end of the year.
8. Unless You Need Those Access Codes, Don't Buy New Books
Unless you have money to spare, don’t buy brand new books from the bookstore. Amazon has some cheap, used books in good condition or you can ask upperclassmen for books that they don’t need anymore for a much cheaper price.
9. Swallow Any Pride You Have and Go to Office Hours
10. Don't Ever Be Afraid to Say Hi to Someone
Sometimes you question saying hi to someone that maybe you only met once, but it honestly doesn’t hurt just to wave at them. What’s the worse that can happen? They don’t say hi back? I’ve met so many people by just saying hi to people in my building and it’s really nice.
11. Sometimes You'll Get Less Than Perfect Grades, But That's Okay
College isn’t like high school. For the most part, you can’t breeze through exams and essays. The expectations are great and in the beginning, you might get a really painful grade. However, don’t let it kill you because you can do better in the future. Just reach out for help.