1. Religiously studying AP Style
The style guide is just an extension of your arm at this point.
2. Being addicted to coffee
I need an IV drip of caffeine. Between school work, deadlines and a social life, my energy levels are drained. I just need a lifetime subscription to Starbucks at this point.
3. Not knowing if your lede is trash or you're too hard on yourself
Write, edit, rewrite, start over because you think you suck.
4. Feeling naked after people read your writing
After friends or professors read your writing, you feel like they have seen a part of your soul. Please don't judge me. I tried. I really did.
5. Skipping sleep to make deadline
I should be in bed by now.
6. Nerding out over newspapers
Newspapers won't be around forever. While they are, I will grab one from every vacation spot...
7. Always looking for ways to better your resume
It's a constant battle of choosing the best thing to invest time in.
8. Being punctual or being panicked
News doesn't wait and neither does opportunity. If I'm not early, I'm late.
9. Really, really liking office supplies
Finding the best pen/recorder/notebook combo is a lifelong journey.
10. Cringing when you see journalists in the field making mistakes
Seeing unethical journalists or poor content when you're a student just pushes you to do better.
11. The excitement of a byline
Nothing compares to the feeling of seeing your name by a story. Whether it took 20 minutes after a meeting or four days, the satisfaction of seeing good, completed work is so fulfilling.
12. Being a grammar nazi controls your life
Tinder matches will always be left on read for improper use of homophones or sloppy synonyms.
13. Rolling your eyes when you hear what a dying field you're studying.
Journalism isn't dead. As long as we have free speech, there will always be a need for an ethical, educated press. Newspapers might be discontinued, but that doesn't mean news won't be delivered through another form.