Throughout our lives, we have a variety of roommates. Some of us have horrible first-roommate stories, some have awkward stories of people they just never got to know well, and the lucky ones get to spend some time of their life rooming with their best friend(s). Here are 13 things that are guaranteed to happen when you live with your best friend:
1. You get extremely upset when you come home and they're not there.
2. And when they are there, you start spilling about the day's events as soon as you open the door.
3. You don't ask before trying on their clothes.
4. And you can definitely go to the bathroom with the door open.
5. You stay up too late...every night.
6. But the pillow talks are most definitely worth it.
7. You now have TWO snack drawers (even if your roommate doesn't know).
8. Playing music turns into a full jam session every time.
9. All of the pictures in your room are of you together.
10. Cuddles occur regularly.
11. You learn more of their annoying quirks than you ever needed to know.
12. But you always have someone to do everything with.
13. And you leave closer than before.
Love calling you roomie, best friend. Love calling you best friend, roomie.