During the school year, you are unbelievably busy between classes, homework, work, being involved in organizations, and staying healthy. It's almost hard to even find time to eat or sleep. When summer hits, all of a sudden you have no homework to stay up doing all night, no classes to attend, and less going on in your life. Sometimes how little you have going on may drive you insane if you like to stay busy. Here are 13 great inexpensive hobbies to pick up for this summer.
1. Read a book you never got a chance to during the school year
We all know there's at least one book that captures our attention throughout the year. Now that you don't have your head stuck in a textbook, you can pick that book up and easily get through it.
2. DIY projects
Pinterest always inspires us to take out our crafts and hit up our local craft shop. This summer you could make a gift for someone else, repaint something in your place, or make something useful for your bathroom.
3. Reorganize your room
When was the last time you changed your room around? Sometimes this can give you a breath of fresh air and help you stay organized. Throw on your best tunes and get moving.
4. Try a new sport
Think of one sport you've never done that you've always wanted to try. It doesn't have to be a competitive sport either. Anything from water skiing, paddle boarding, kayaking, biking, rollerblading, or ultimate frisbee.
5. Learn a new language
This one may take some more time than others but just a little bit of knowledge in another language could help you out when traveling. It's fun to learn a new language and it's easier to learn when you try to speak to others. Take a course online and find friends to practice with.
6. Teach yourself new cooking recipes.
Buzzfeed's Tasty has so many recipes that are easy to do at home. Sometimes you just need a few ingredients for a yummy snack, delicious desert, or a full meal. You could also look up your favorite dish and find a simple twist on it.
7. Adult coloring books
Put your mind back to when you were 5 years old. Coloring was everything. With adult coloring books becoming more and more popular today, you can easily just print a page off line and start coloring. This could be something relaxing to do while enjoying your favorite drink in the sun.
8. Watch documentaries
When picking out a movie, a documentary isn't the first thing that always comes to mind. This summer you can explore some interesting documentaries that will blow your mind. There are some great ones on Netflix.
9. Go hiking
Hiking is always a fun trip whether you go with a group or just a few friends. It is great exercise and makes you feel like you're getting your great share of the outdoors. Wherever you hike to, the view from the top is worth the trip.
10. Geocaching
Have you ever wanted to be apart of the world's largest treasure hunt? Geocaching is something that not many people know about. Basically anyone can plant a treasure and others can come and find it. Then whoever finds it, it is their responsibility to plant a new one. There are applications on your smart phone or online that can help you track and find the hidden treasures.
11. Start a blog
Have you ever had that urge to write? To write you heart out about something you experience daily? A blog is a great way to get your feelings out and let others know how to deal with a day to day life in whatever it may be that you're blogging about.
12. Visit farmer's markets or museums in your town
You know that farmer's market you hear your friend's go to all the time? Or that museum you pass on your way to school? Now is the perfect time to explore them. A farmer's market is great for buying local and knowing where you're getting your food from. While a museum is interesting because it can hold a lot of history that was in your very own town.
13. Sell clothes you don't wear on Poshmark
Poshmark is becoming a world-wide clothing trading and selling application. There are more and more users on it every day buying and selling clothes. Remember all those shopping trips you went on with your girlfriends and felt the need to buy something and then you never wore it? Here is your chance to sell those clothes. It may just be for $15 but a little cash can add up.